Art Forms in Nature
Book Description
Multitude of strangely beautiful natural forms: Radiolaria, Foraminifera, Ciliata, diatoms, calcareous sponges, Siphonophora, star corals, starfishes, Protozoa, flagellates, brown seaweed, jellyfishes, sea-lilies, moss animals, sea-urchins, glass sponges, leptomedusae, horny corals, trunkfishes, true sea slugs, anthomedusae horseshoe crabs, sea-cucumb...
Book Description
Multitude of strangely beautiful natural forms: Radiolaria, Foraminifera, Ciliata, diatoms, calcareous sponges, Siphonophora, star corals, starfishes, Protozoa, flagellates, brown seaweed, jellyfishes, sea-lilies, moss animals, sea-urchins, glass sponges, leptomedusae, horny corals, trunkfishes, true sea slugs, anthomedusae horseshoe crabs, sea-cucumbers, octopuses, bats, orchids, sea wasps, seahorse, a dragonfish, a frogfish, much more.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)27.7 width:(cm)20.7
恩斯特•海克尔(Ernst Haeckel,1834—1919),德国近代伟大的生物学家、艺术家、哲学家、医生、教授,他亲手绘制的生物科学画展现了自然界从宏观到微观的令人屏息的秩序和美感,是后世艺术家、建筑师和设计师取之不尽、用之不竭的灵感之源。