Analysing Discourse
Analysing Discourse is an accessible introductory textbook for all students and researchers working with real language data. Drawing on a range of social theorists from Bourdieu to Habermas, as well as his own research, Norman Fairclough's book presents a form of language analysis with a consistently social perspective. His approach is illustrated by and investigated through a ...
Analysing Discourse is an accessible introductory textbook for all students and researchers working with real language data. Drawing on a range of social theorists from Bourdieu to Habermas, as well as his own research, Norman Fairclough's book presents a form of language analysis with a consistently social perspective. His approach is illustrated by and investigated through a range of real texts, from written texts, to a TV debate about the monarchy and a radio broadcast about the Lockerbie bombing. The student-friendly book also offers accessible summaries, an appendix of example texts, and a glossary of terms and key theorists.
诺曼•费尔克劳( Norman Fairclough ),英国兰卡斯特荣休教授,批评话语分析研究领域公认的领军学者;学术研究主要集中在话语与社会的辩证关系方面,提出的“辩证-关系”批评话语分析路径在学界具有重要的影响力;代表性著作有《语言与权力》( 1989 )、《话语与社会变迁》( 1992)、《后现代生活中的话语》( 1999,与L. Chouliaraki合著)、《话语分析――社会科学研究的文本分析方法》(2003)、《语言与全球化》( 2006)、《政治话语分析》( 2012,与I. Fairclough合著)。
诺曼•费尔克劳( Norman Fairclough ),英国兰卡斯特荣休教授,批评话语分析研究领域公认的领军学者;学术研究主要集中在话语与社会的辩证关系方面,提出的“辩证-关系”批评话语分析路径在学界具有重要的影响力;代表性著作有《语言与权力》( 1989 )、《话语与社会变迁》( 1992)、《后现代生活中的话语》( 1999,与L. Chouliaraki合著)、《话语分析――社会科学研究的文本分析方法》(2003)、《语言与全球化》( 2006)、《政治话语分析》( 2012,与I. Fairclough合著)。
赵芃,北京大学博士、天津商业大学副教授、硕士生导师,中国英汉语比较研究会话语研究专业委员会常务理事,中国语言学会社会语言学分会理事,天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第三层次人选。主要研究兴趣为话语研究和社会语言学。在《当代修辞学》、《外语与外语教学》等学术期刊发表论文二十余篇,出版有《“学雷锋活动”历史变迁的话语研究》(南开大学出版社,2017 )等学术著作。