Introduction to Econometrics
Designed for a first course in introductory econometrics, Introduction to Econometrics, reflects modern theory and practice, with interesting applications that motivate and match up with the theory to ensure students grasp the relevance of econometrics. Authors James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson integrate real-world questions and data into the development of the theory, with ser...
Designed for a first course in introductory econometrics, Introduction to Econometrics, reflects modern theory and practice, with interesting applications that motivate and match up with the theory to ensure students grasp the relevance of econometrics. Authors James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson integrate real-world questions and data into the development of the theory, with serious treatment of the substantive findings of the resulting empirical analysis.
James H. Stock,普林斯顿大学经济系教授。加州大学伯克利分校经济学博士,曾任教于加州大学伯克利分校及哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院。研究领域为经济计量方法、宏观经济预测、货币政策等,曾发表论文90多篇,并出版若干其他专著。
Mark W. Watson,普林斯顿大学经济系教授,他与 James H. Stock 都是计量经济学领域中的权威,尤其以时间序列的研究最为出众。