Lectures on Shakespeare联合创作 · 2023-09-30 08:58奥登的评论,可同时参考他的The Dyer's hand中的"The Shakesperian City”部分。他的评论比较重视基督教心理学对莎士比亚的影响。他对《威尼斯商人》的讨论相当有意思。浏览 1点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享 编辑 分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐 Lectures on ShakespeareLectures on Shakespeare0Lectures on the Will to KnowThis volume gives us the transcription of the firsThe Vocation LecturesOriginally published separately, Weber's 'Science Lectures on LiteratureFor two decades, first at Wellesley and then at CoLectures on the Will to KnowLectures on the Will to Know0The Vocation LecturesThe Vocation Lectures0Lectures on LiteratureLectures on Literature0Lectures on Complex NetworksThis text is a concise modern introduction to the Lectures on Quantum MechanicsNobel Laureate Steven Weinberg combines his exceptLectures on the H-Cobordism TheoremMilnor's "Lectures on the h-cobordism theorem" con点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享 编辑 分享 举报