The influence of Aristotle, the prince of philosophers, on the intellectual history of the West is second to none. In this book Jonathan Barnes examines Aristotle's scientific researches, his discoveries in logic and his metaphysical theories, his work in psychology and in ethics and politics, and his ideas about art and poetry, placing his teachings in their historical context...
The influence of Aristotle, the prince of philosophers, on the intellectual history of the West is second to none. In this book Jonathan Barnes examines Aristotle's scientific researches, his discoveries in logic and his metaphysical theories, his work in psychology and in ethics and politics, and his ideas about art and poetry, placing his teachings in their historical context.
乔纳森•巴恩斯 日内瓦大学古代哲学教授。著有《前苏格拉底哲学家》、《早期希腊哲学》等,编有《亚里士多德全集:牛津英译修订版》、《剑桥亚里士多德指南》、《亚里士多德的〈后分析篇〉》、《怀疑主义概述》等。
顾肃 知名学者,南京大学哲学与法学教授,复旦大学社会科学高等研究院教授。曾任哈佛大学法学院人文学者,伦敦经济学院、墨尔本大学等校高级访问学者。致力于西方政治法律哲学、道德哲学、欧洲哲学史等领域的研究。代表著作包括《自由主义基本理念》、《理想国以后》、《罗尔斯:正义与自由的求索》、《西方政治法律思想史》等。