Laws of the Land

联合创作 · 2023-10-04 03:08

今天,“风水”一词在世界范围内被人熟知,然而,很少有人知道它的确切含义,更不用说它背后的历史了。 但在本书中,Tristan Brown生动讲述了在中国古代时期风水是如何在中国社会中扮演了越来越重要的角色,尤其是在最后一个皇朝清朝(1644年-1912 年)期间风水对法 律产生了深远影响。

本书采用了新近公开的中国大陆和台湾档案,是第一本记录清代风水在中国法律中的应用的书籍。 清朝时期,面对不断增长的人口、日益减少的自然资源和财政负担过重等问题,中国各地的大小政府官员在平衡林、农、矿和城市规划问题的同时,努力应对有关风水的纠纷和请愿。 本书对这些法律措施提供了一种全新的解释:当政府官员明智地应用风水是有助于帝国维持社会和平及其政治稳定,尤其是在 19 世纪日益动荡的几十年里。 而随着世纪结束,关于工业化的争论席卷了整个朝堂,部分官员和学者为了帝国统治...

今天,“风水”一词在世界范围内被人熟知,然而,很少有人知道它的确切含义,更不用说它背后的历史了。 但在本书中,Tristan Brown生动讲述了在中国古代时期风水是如何在中国社会中扮演了越来越重要的角色,尤其是在最后一个皇朝清朝(1644年-1912 年)期间风水对法 律产生了深远影响。

本书采用了新近公开的中国大陆和台湾档案,是第一本记录清代风水在中国法律中的应用的书籍。 清朝时期,面对不断增长的人口、日益减少的自然资源和财政负担过重等问题,中国各地的大小政府官员在平衡林、农、矿和城市规划问题的同时,努力应对有关风水的纠纷和请愿。 本书对这些法律措施提供了一种全新的解释:当政府官员明智地应用风水是有助于帝国维持社会和平及其政治稳定,尤其是在 19 世纪日益动荡的几十年里。 而随着世纪结束,关于工业化的争论席卷了整个朝堂,部分官员和学者为了帝国统治稳定也以风水为由反对修建铁路、电线和外资矿山。


Today the term fengshui, which literally means “wind and water,” is recognized around the world. Yet few know exactly what it means, let alone its fascinating history. In Laws of the Land, Tristan Brown tells the story of the important roles—especially legal ones—played by fengshui in Chinese society during China’s last imperial dynasty, the Manchu Qing (1644–1912).

Employing archives from Mainland China and Taiwan that have only recently become available, this is the first book to document fengshui’s invocations in Chinese law during the Qing dynasty. Facing a growing population, dwindling natural resources, and an overburdened rural government, judicial administrators across China grappled with disputes and petitions about fengshui in their efforts to sustain forestry, farming, mining, and city planning. Laws of the Land offers a radically new interpretation of these legal arrangements: they worked. An intelligent, considered, and sustained engagement with fengshui on the ground helped the imperial state keep the peace and maintain its legitimacy, especially during the increasingly turbulent decades of the nineteenth century. As the century came to an end, contentious debates over industrialization swept across the bureaucracy, with fengshui invoked by officials and scholars opposed to the establishment of railways, telegraphs, and foreign-owned mines.

Demonstrating that the only way to understand those debates and their profound stakes is to grasp fengshui’s longstanding roles in Chinese public life, Laws of the Land rethinks key issues in the history of Chinese law, politics, science, religion, and economics.

Tristan G. Brown 目前在美国麻省理工学院(MIT)担任助理教授一职,主要专注于中国古代法律、科学和环境之间动态关系的研究。

Tristan G. Brown is assistant professor of history at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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