High-Dimensional Statistics
Recent years have witnessed an explosion in the volume and variety of data collected in all scientific disciplines and industrial settings. Such massive data sets present a number of challenges to researchers in statistics and machine learning. This book provides a self-contained introduction to the area of high-dimensional statistics, aimed at the first-year graduate level. It...
Recent years have witnessed an explosion in the volume and variety of data collected in all scientific disciplines and industrial settings. Such massive data sets present a number of challenges to researchers in statistics and machine learning. This book provides a self-contained introduction to the area of high-dimensional statistics, aimed at the first-year graduate level. It includes chapters that are focused on core methodology and theory - including tail bounds, concentration inequalities, uniform laws and empirical process, and random matrices - as well as chapters devoted to in-depth exploration of particular model classes - including sparse linear models, matrix models with rank constraints, graphical models, and various types of non-parametric models. With hundreds of worked examples and exercises, this text is intended both for courses and for self-study by graduate students and researchers in statistics, machine learning, and related fields who must understand, apply, and adapt modern statistical methods suited to large-scale data.
Martin J. Wainwright is a Chancellor's Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, with a joint appointment between the Department of Statistics and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. His research lies at the nexus of statistics, machine learning, optimization, and information theory, and he has published widely in all of these disciplines....
Martin J. Wainwright is a Chancellor's Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, with a joint appointment between the Department of Statistics and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. His research lies at the nexus of statistics, machine learning, optimization, and information theory, and he has published widely in all of these disciplines. He has written two other books, one on graphical models together with Michael I. Jordan, and one on sparse learning together with Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani. Among other awards, he has received the COPSS Presdients' Award, has been a Medallion Lecturer and Blackwell Lecturer for the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and has received Best Paper Awards from the Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), and the Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) conferences, as well as from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Information Theory Society.