The Aesthetic Unconscious
This book is not concerned with the use of Freudian concepts for the interpretation of literary and artistic works. Rather, it is concerned with why this interpretation plays such an important role in demonstrating the contemporary relevance of psychoanalytic concepts. In order for Freud to use the Oedipus complex as a means for the interpretation of texts, it was necessary fir...
This book is not concerned with the use of Freudian concepts for the interpretation of literary and artistic works. Rather, it is concerned with why this interpretation plays such an important role in demonstrating the contemporary relevance of psychoanalytic concepts. In order for Freud to use the Oedipus complex as a means for the interpretation of texts, it was necessary first of all for a particular notion of Oedipus, belonging to the Romantic reinvention of Greek antiquity, to have produced a certain idea of the power of that thought which does not think, and the power of that speech which remains silent. From this it does not follow that the Freudian unconscious was already prefigured by the aesthetic unconscious. Freud's 'aesthetic' analyses reveal instead a tension between the two forms of unconscious. In this concise and brilliant text Rancière brings out this tension and shows us what is at stake in this confrontation.
雅克•朗西埃 生于阿尔及尔,法国哲学家,巴黎第八大学哲学荣誉教授。巴黎第八大学哲学系前系主任,早年与阿尔都塞合著《读〈资本论〉》。20世纪90年代初开始专注于美学-政治的研究,主要著作包括《美感论》《文学的政治》《哲学家和他的穷人们》《图像的命运》《词语的肉身》《歧义:政治与哲学》《历史的形象》《历史之名》《美学中的不满》《阿尔都塞的教训》等。
蓝江 湖北荆州人,南京大学哲学系教授、博士生导师,南京大学马克思主义社会理论研究中心研究员,江苏省青年社科英才,主要研究方向为国外马克思主义、当代欧陆激进左翼思想。主要著作有《忠于事件本身:巴迪欧哲学思想导论》《阿甘本五讲》,主要译著有巴迪欧的《存在与事件》《世界的逻辑》《世纪》《哲学宣言》《第二哲学宣言》《小万神殿》《元政治学概述》《数学颂》,阿甘本的《语言的圣礼》《敞开》《宁芙》,以及...
雅克•朗西埃 生于阿尔及尔,法国哲学家,巴黎第八大学哲学荣誉教授。巴黎第八大学哲学系前系主任,早年与阿尔都塞合著《读〈资本论〉》。20世纪90年代初开始专注于美学-政治的研究,主要著作包括《美感论》《文学的政治》《哲学家和他的穷人们》《图像的命运》《词语的肉身》《歧义:政治与哲学》《历史的形象》《历史之名》《美学中的不满》《阿尔都塞的教训》等。
蓝江 湖北荆州人,南京大学哲学系教授、博士生导师,南京大学马克思主义社会理论研究中心研究员,江苏省青年社科英才,主要研究方向为国外马克思主义、当代欧陆激进左翼思想。主要著作有《忠于事件本身:巴迪欧哲学思想导论》《阿甘本五讲》,主要译著有巴迪欧的《存在与事件》《世界的逻辑》《世纪》《哲学宣言》《第二哲学宣言》《小万神殿》《元政治学概述》《数学颂》,阿甘本的《语言的圣礼》《敞开》《宁芙》,以及朗西埃的《美学中的不满》等。