《量子计算与量子信息》(影印版)全面介绍了量子计算与量子信息学领域的主要思想与技术。到目前为止,该领域的高速进展与学科交叉的特性使得初学者感到困惑而不易对其主要技术与结论有综合性的认识。作者Michael Nielsen和Isaac Chuang提出问题:计算与通信的最终物理极限是什么?他们在书中详细描述了这样的引人关注的事实:快速量子算法,量子远距传物、量子密码学与量子纠错技术。所附图表和练习内容丰富,深入讲解并分析了各个论题。《量子计算与量子信息》(影印版)特色在于对量子机制和计算机科学在第一部分给予了指导性介绍,使得那些没有物理学或计算机科学背景的人对此也易于接受。作者在第二部分介绍了量子计算,并描述了量子计算机,它如何用来比通常“传统”意义上的计算机更快速地解决问题,以及其现实世界实现。第三部分深入探讨了量子信息学以总结全书内容,说明量子状态...
《量子计算与量子信息》(影印版)全面介绍了量子计算与量子信息学领域的主要思想与技术。到目前为止,该领域的高速进展与学科交叉的特性使得初学者感到困惑而不易对其主要技术与结论有综合性的认识。作者Michael Nielsen和Isaac Chuang提出问题:计算与通信的最终物理极限是什么?他们在书中详细描述了这样的引人关注的事实:快速量子算法,量子远距传物、量子密码学与量子纠错技术。所附图表和练习内容丰富,深入讲解并分析了各个论题。《量子计算与量子信息》(影印版)特色在于对量子机制和计算机科学在第一部分给予了指导性介绍,使得那些没有物理学或计算机科学背景的人对此也易于接受。作者在第二部分介绍了量子计算,并描述了量子计算机,它如何用来比通常“传统”意义上的计算机更快速地解决问题,以及其现实世界实现。第三部分深入探讨了量子信息学以总结全书内容,说明量子状态如何用来完成宏大的通信任务,并讨论如何使量子状态免受噪音干扰。
Michael Nielsen is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Queensland. He was born in Brisbane, Australia, and received his education at the University of Queensland, obtaining postgraduate degrees in Mathematics and Physics before receiving his Ph.D. in Physics as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of New Mexico. He has held a visiting position at the Los Alamos...
Michael Nielsen is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Queensland. He was born in Brisbane, Australia, and received his education at the University of Queensland, obtaining postgraduate degrees in Mathematics and Physics before receiving his Ph.D. in Physics as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of New Mexico. He has held a visiting position at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and was the Tolman Postdoctoral Fellow at the California Institute of Technology.
Isaac Chuang is with IBM Research, and also serves as a consulting professor at Stanford University. He received his doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, where he was a Hertz Foundation Fellow, and also holds degrees in Physics and in Electrical Engineering from MIT. Dr. Chuang is a native of Louisville, Kentucky and enjoys reading, hiking, and playing his violin.