HTTP/2 in Action
HTTP/2 in Action is a complete guide to HTTP/2, one of the core protocols of the web. Because HTTP/2 has been designed to be easy to transition to, including keeping it backwards compatible, adoption is rapid and expected to increase over the next few years. Concentrating on practical matters, this interesting book presents key HTTP/2 concepts such as frames, streams, and multi...
HTTP/2 in Action is a complete guide to HTTP/2, one of the core protocols of the web. Because HTTP/2 has been designed to be easy to transition to, including keeping it backwards compatible, adoption is rapid and expected to increase over the next few years. Concentrating on practical matters, this interesting book presents key HTTP/2 concepts such as frames, streams, and multiplexing and explores how they affect the performance and behavior of your websites.
BARRY POLLARD 是一位专业软件开发者,在开发、支持软件和基础架构方向拥有近 20 年的行业经验。他对
Web 技术、性能调优、安全以及技术实践非常感兴趣。他的博客是,你也可以在 Twitter 上通过 @tunetheweb 找到他。