Other Voices, Other Rooms
When Joel Knoxs mother dies, he is sent into the exotic unknown of the Deep South to live with a father he has never seen. But once he gets there, everyone is curiously evasive when Joel asks to see his father. Truman Capotes first novel, Other Voices, Other Rooms is a brilliant, searching study of homosexuality set in a shimmering landscape of heat, mystery and decaden...
When Joel Knoxs mother dies, he is sent into the exotic unknown of the Deep South to live with a father he has never seen. But once he gets there, everyone is curiously evasive when Joel asks to see his father. Truman Capotes first novel, Other Voices, Other Rooms is a brilliant, searching study of homosexuality set in a shimmering landscape of heat, mystery and decadence.
杜鲁门•卡波特(Truman Capote),1924年生于新奥尔良,美国文学史上著名的南方文学作家,曾两次获得欧•亨利小说奖。他自幼父母离异,高中便辍学,受雇于《纽约客》开始写作生涯。代表作品有:长篇小说《别的声音,别的房间》;中篇小说《草竖琴》、《蒂凡尼的早餐》、《夏日十字街头》等;出版于1966年的《冷血》以“非虚构小说”的文体形式开创了美国纪实小说的先河,进一步奠定了其文坛地位;另有《圣诞忆旧集》、《犬吠》、《变色龙的音乐》 等作品集。