Totality and Infinity
Influenced in part by the dialogical philosophies of Franz Rosenzweig and Martin Buber, Totality and Infinity departs from the ethically neutral tradition of ontology to analyze the "face-to-face" relation with the Other. First published in English by Duquesne in 1969, this has become one of the classics of modern philosophy. Fully indexed.
作者伊曼努尔•列维纳斯(Emmanuel Levinas,1906—1995),生于立陶宛考纳斯,当代法国著名的犹太哲学家, 20世纪欧洲最伟大的伦理学家。他融汇希腊文化和希伯来文化,通过对传统认识论和存在论的批判,为西方哲学提供了思考异质、差异、他者性的重要路径,揭示了从伦理的维度重建形而上学的可能性。其主要著作有:《从存在到存在者》《总体与无限》《异于存在或本质之外》《时间与他者》《为他人的人道主义》等。