Weak State, Strong Networks
On the whole, this is a well-researched, convincingly argued and neatly structured volume. It makes an important contribution to the debate over the role of institutions in facilitating economic development. Anyone interested in contemporary Chinese economic and political development will benefit greatly from reading it. The China Quarterly This is a competent work that challen...
On the whole, this is a well-researched, convincingly argued and neatly structured volume. It makes an important contribution to the debate over the role of institutions in facilitating economic development. Anyone interested in contemporary Chinese economic and political development will benefit greatly from reading it. The China Quarterly This is a competent work that challenges the claim of new institutional economics and international regime theory that effective state institutions in the host country are vital to the inflow, and indeed growth, of foreign direct investment. The China Quarterly A thoroughly useful volume of interest not only to academics in international finance, international relations, and social anthropology, but also to all those in the real world on their way to the New Silk Road. Asia Pacific Business Review Wang provides almost a handbook of "Dos" and "Don'ts" for foreign executives ... the information culled from the interviews that Wang conducted is highly informative and well presented. The Journal of Asian Studies