The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology
Political methodology has changed dramatically over the past thirty years, and many new methods and techniques have been developed. Both the Political Methodology Society and the Qualitative/Multi-Methods Section of the American Political Science Association have engaged in ongoing research and training programs that have advanced quantitative and qualitative methodology. The O...
Political methodology has changed dramatically over the past thirty years, and many new methods and techniques have been developed. Both the Political Methodology Society and the Qualitative/Multi-Methods Section of the American Political Science Association have engaged in ongoing research and training programs that have advanced quantitative and qualitative methodology. The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology presents and synthesizes these developments. The Handbook provides comprehensive overviews of diverse methodological approaches, with an emphasis on three major themes. First, specific methodological tools should be at the service of improved conceptualization, comprehension of meaning, measurement, and data collection. They should increase analysts' leverage in reasoning about causal relationships and evaluating them empirically by contributing to powerful research designs. Second, the authors explore the many different ways of addressing these tasks: through case-studies and large-n designs, with both quantitative and qualitative data, and via techniques ranging from statistical modelling to process tracing. Finally, techniques can cut across traditional methodological boundaries and can be useful for many different kinds of researchers. Many of the authors thus explore how their methods can inform, and be used by, scholars engaged in diverse branches of methodology.
臧雷振,北京大学国家治理研究院研究员,中国农业大学人文与发展学院学院教授,系主任,院长助理,苏州大学中国特色城镇化研究中心(教育部人文社科重点基地)学术委员会委员。在人民出版社、中国社会科学出版社、社科文献出版社、Springer等出版中英文专著或译著多部。以第一作者或通讯作者完成的学术论文见于国内外CSSCI、SSCI和SCI主要学术期刊,如《政治学研究》、《中国行政管理》,Research Policy,Social Science Computer Review,Governance等,中文论文逾20篇被人大复印资料和《新华文摘》等转载。主持国家社科(一般和重点)基金、教育部后期资助重大项目和北京市社科基金重点项目等各一项。主要研究方向为:社会科学研究方法、政府治理比较、制度演变和政策分析。