Learn how to take full advantage of Apache Kafka, the distributed, publish-subscribe queue for handling real-time data feeds. With this comprehensive book, you'll understand how Kafka works and how it's designed. Authors Neha Narkhede, Gwen Shapira, and Todd Palino show you how to deploy production Kafka clusters; secure, tune, and monitor them; write rock-solid applications th...
Learn how to take full advantage of Apache Kafka, the distributed, publish-subscribe queue for handling real-time data feeds. With this comprehensive book, you'll understand how Kafka works and how it's designed. Authors Neha Narkhede, Gwen Shapira, and Todd Palino show you how to deploy production Kafka clusters; secure, tune, and monitor them; write rock-solid applications that use Kafka; and build scalable stream-processing applications.
Neha Narkhede, Confluent联合创始人、CTO,曾在LinkedIn主导基于Kafka和Apache Samza构建流式基础设施,是Kafka作者之一。
Gwen Shapira, Confluent系统架构师,帮助客户构建基于Kafka的系统,在可伸缩数据架构方面拥有十余年经验;曾任Cloudera公司解决方案架构师。另著有《Hadoop应用架构》。
Todd Palino, LinkedIn主任级SRE,负责部署管理大型的Kafka、Zookeeper和Samza集群。