2010: Odyssey Two
(Amazon)2001: A Space Odyssey shocked, amazed, and delighted millions in the late 1960s. An instant book and movie classic, its fame has grown over the years. Yet along with the almost universal acclaim, a host of questions has grown more insistent through the years, for example: who or what transformed Dave Bowman into the Star-Child? What alien purpose lay behind the monolith...
(Amazon)2001: A Space Odyssey shocked, amazed, and delighted millions in the late 1960s. An instant book and movie classic, its fame has grown over the years. Yet along with the almost universal acclaim, a host of questions has grown more insistent through the years, for example: who or what transformed Dave Bowman into the Star-Child? What alien purpose lay behind the monoliths on the Moon and out in space? What could drive HAL to kill the crew? Now all those questions and many more have been answered, in this stunning sequel to the international bestseller. Cosmic in sweep, eloquent in its depiction of Man's place in the Universe, and filled with the romance of space, this novel is a monumental achievement and a must-read for Arthur C. Clarke fans old and new.
"A daring romp through the solar system and a worthy successor to 2001."
Carl Sagan
阿瑟•克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke,1917—2008)
英国科幻作家,被誉为科幻小说之王,与阿西莫夫、海因莱因一起并称为“20世纪科幻三巨头”。他一生创作过100多部作品,被翻译成40多种语言,作品总销量1亿多册,并多次获得雨果奖、星云奖、轨迹奖等科幻至高 奖项。1986年,获得美国科幻与奇幻作家协会终生成就奖——大师奖。
克拉克的作品以详实精准的科技描述著称,并运用其哲学的思考方式,探求人类在宇宙中的位置,以及人类与人类技术所能达到的极限。 《太空漫游四部曲》是他极负盛名和被公认的至高杰作!他在本书对人类起源和宇宙文...
阿瑟•克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke,1917—2008)
英国科幻作家,被誉为科幻小说之王,与阿西莫夫、海因莱因一起并称为“20世纪科幻三巨头”。他一生创作过100多部作品,被翻译成40多种语言,作品总销量1亿多册,并多次获得雨果奖、星云奖、轨迹奖等科幻至高 奖项。1986年,获得美国科幻与奇幻作家协会终生成就奖——大师奖。
克拉克的作品以详实精准的科技描述著称,并运用其哲学的思考方式,探求人类在宇宙中的位置,以及人类与人类技术所能达到的极限。 《太空漫游四部曲》是他极负盛名和被公认的至高杰作!他在本书对人类起源和宇宙文明作出了恢弘的构想,并预言了一系列人类目前已达到和未达到的科学技术。自出版以来,本书一直被视为科幻小说的里程碑,影响深远。