David Gets In Trouble
David doesn't mean to get in trouble. It's not his fault most of the time, it's just an accident! or maybe he forgot something. Or some furniture got in the way. Once again, David Shannon proves he knows every excuse in the book-especially when faced with the age-old problem of dealing with grown-ups.
大卫·香农(David Shannon)
1959年生于华盛顿,获帕萨迪纳艺术中心设计学院的美术艺术学位,擅长运用油画技法创作绘本,他的作品画面饱满、色彩浓郁,焕发出勃勃的生机。主要作品有《大卫,不可以》《大卫上学去》《大卫惹麻烦》《大卫,圣诞节到啦!》《小仙女艾丽斯》 等,曾获得凯迪克大奖、《纽约时报》年度绘本、美国图书馆协会好书奖等多项大奖。