Night -- A terrifying account of the Nazi death camp horror that turns a young Jewish boy into an agonized witness to the death of his family...the death of his innocence...and the death of his God. Penetrating and powerful, as personal as The Diary Of Anne Frank, Night awakens the shocking memory of evil at its absolute and carries with it the unforgettable message that this h...
Night -- A terrifying account of the Nazi death camp horror that turns a young Jewish boy into an agonized witness to the death of his family...the death of his innocence...and the death of his God. Penetrating and powerful, as personal as The Diary Of Anne Frank, Night awakens the shocking memory of evil at its absolute and carries with it the unforgettable message that this horror must never be allowed to happen again.
《夜》是他的第一本著作,也是最重要的一本。他关心犹太人与其他同样受迫害族群的处境,呼吁世人谴责暴力与仇恨, 1985年美国总统里根授予他国会金质勋章,1992年老布什总统授予他总统自由勋章, 1986年获得诺贝尔和平奖。入选《时代》杂志全球100位最有影响力人士。