Telling Lies
In this revised edition, Paul Ekman, a renowned expert in emotions research and nonverbal communication, presents updated information on his groundbreaking inquiry into lying and methods for uncovering lies. He analyzes a range of deception strategies -- from the political strategies of international public figures, such as Adolf Hitler and Richard Nixon, to the deceitful behav...
In this revised edition, Paul Ekman, a renowned expert in emotions research and nonverbal communication, presents updated information on his groundbreaking inquiry into lying and methods for uncovering lies. He analyzes a range of deception strategies -- from the political strategies of international public figures, such as Adolf Hitler and Richard Nixon, to the deceitful behavior of private individuals, such as adulterers or petty criminals -- and explains how a successful liar most often depends on a willfully innocent dupe. Ekman describes how lies vary in form and can differ from other types of misinformation; how interviewers should probe for more information that can reveal untruths; and how a person's body language, voice, and facial expressions can give away a lie but still fool professional lie hunters like judges, police officers, drug enforcement agents, Secret Service agents, and others.
保罗·埃克曼(Paul Ekman, 1934- ),美国心理学家,加州大学医学院心理学教授,1991年获美国心理学会颁发的杰出科学贡献奖,并被列为二十世纪百位最有影响力的心理学家之一。他主要研究情绪的表达及其生理活动和人际欺骗等,是这一领域最主要的专家,在四十多年的研究生涯中,曾研究过新几内亚部族、精神病患者、间谍、连环杀人犯和职业杀手等的面容。美国联邦调查局、中央情报局、执法部门、反恐怖小组等政府机构,皮克斯(Pixar)、工业光魔(Industrial Light and Magjc)等著名动画工作室常常请他作情绪表情的顾问。英美的电视节目也常常向他咨询,甚至请他到节目中现身说法。他共编著有十三本书。