The Empty Space
In The Empty Space, groundbreaking director Peter Brook draws on a life in love with the stage to explore the issues facing any theatrical performance. Here he describes important developments in theatre from the last century, as well as smaller scale events, from productions by Stanislavsky to the rise of Method Acting, from Brecht’s revolutionary alienation technique to the f...
In The Empty Space, groundbreaking director Peter Brook draws on a life in love with the stage to explore the issues facing any theatrical performance. Here he describes important developments in theatre from the last century, as well as smaller scale events, from productions by Stanislavsky to the rise of Method Acting, from Brecht’s revolutionary alienation technique to the free form Happenings of the 1960s, and from the different styles of such great Shakespearean actors as John Gielgud and Paul Scofield to a joyous impromptu performance in the burnt-out shell of the Hamburg Opera just after the war. Passionate, unconventional and fascinating, his book shows how theatre defies rules, builds and shatters illusions and creates lasting memories for its audiences.
彼得•布鲁克(Peter Brook),英国著名戏剧、电影导演。1925年出生于伦敦,获牛津大学硕士学位;曾任英国皇家莎士比亚剧团导演,执导了《爱的徒劳》《一报还一报》《泰特斯•安德洛尼克斯》《李尔王》《仲夏夜之梦》等莎剧;20世纪70年代初创作中心移至法国,在巴黎创办 了国际戏剧研究中心,并在北方剧院担任了30多年的艺术总监。
彼得•布鲁克(Peter Brook),英国著名戏剧、电影导演。1925年出生于伦敦,获牛津大学硕士学位;曾任英国皇家莎士比亚剧团导演,执导了《爱的徒劳》《一报还一报》《泰特斯•安德洛尼克斯》《李尔王》《仲夏夜之梦》等莎剧;20世纪70年代初创作中心移至法国,在巴黎创办 了国际戏剧研究中心,并在北方剧院担任了30多年的艺术总监。