A Failed Empire
Western interpretations of the Cold War--both realist and neoconservative--have erred by exaggerating either the Kremlin's pragmatism or its aggressiveness, argues Vladislav Zubok. Explaining the interests, aspirations, illusions, fears, and misperceptions of the Kremlin leaders and Soviet elites, Zubok offers a Soviet perspective on the greatest standoff of the twentieth centu...
Western interpretations of the Cold War--both realist and neoconservative--have erred by exaggerating either the Kremlin's pragmatism or its aggressiveness, argues Vladislav Zubok. Explaining the interests, aspirations, illusions, fears, and misperceptions of the Kremlin leaders and Soviet elites, Zubok offers a Soviet perspective on the greatest standoff of the twentieth century.
弗拉季斯拉夫•祖博克(Vladislav M. Zubok),伦敦政治经济学院国际史教授,著名的冷战与苏联—俄国历史学家,曾获得莱昂内尔•盖尔伯与马歇尔•舒尔曼奖(Lionel Gelber and Marshall Schulman prizes)。代表作包括《失败的帝国:从斯大林到戈尔巴乔夫》(An Failed Empire: The Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev)、《日瓦戈的孩子:俄国最后的知识分子》(Zhivago’s Children: The Last Russian Intelligentsia)。祖博克作为顾问参与了获得巨大成功的由美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)制作的24集纪录片《冷战风云录》(Cold War)。