The French Revolution
The book that established Thomas Carlyle’s reputation when first published in 1837, this spectacular historical masterpiece has since been accepted as the standard work on the subject. It combines a shrewd insight into character, a vivid realization of the picturesque, and a singular ability to bring the past to blazing life, making it a reading experience as thrilling as any n...
The book that established Thomas Carlyle’s reputation when first published in 1837, this spectacular historical masterpiece has since been accepted as the standard work on the subject. It combines a shrewd insight into character, a vivid realization of the picturesque, and a singular ability to bring the past to blazing life, making it a reading experience as thrilling as any novel. As John D. Rosenberg observes in his Introduction, The French Revolution is “one of the grand poems of [Carlyle’s] century, yet its poetry consists in being everywhere scrupulously rooted in historical fact.”
This Modern Library Paperback Classics edition, complete and unabridged, is unavailable anywhere else.
托马斯•卡莱尔(Thomas Carlyle,1795—1881),19世纪英国著名历史学家和评论家、文坛怪杰,曾任爱丁堡大学校长,他博览群书,文笔优美,一生著作颇丰,散文、评论、历史、社会批评无不涉足,主要著作有《法国大革命》、《论英雄、英雄崇拜和历史上的英雄事迹》、《腓特烈大帝传》等。