Evidence Based Treatments for Trauma-Related Psychological Disorders
This book offers an evidence based guide for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and other clinicians working with trauma survivors in various settings. It provides easily digestible, up-to-date information on the basic principles of traumatic stress research and practice, including psychological and sociological theories as well as epidemiological, psychopa...
This book offers an evidence based guide for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and other clinicians working with trauma survivors in various settings. It provides easily digestible, up-to-date information on the basic principles of traumatic stress research and practice, including psychological and sociological theories as well as epidemiological, psychopathological, and neurobiological findings. However, as therapists are primarily interested in how to best treat their traumatized patients, the core focus of the book is on evidence based psychological treatments for trauma-related mental disorders. Importantly, the full range of trauma and stress related disorders is covered, including Acute Stress Reaction, Complex PTSD and Prolonged Grief Disorder, reflecting important anticipated developments in diagnostic classification. Each of the treatment chapters begins with a short summary of the theoretical underpinnings of the approach, presents a case illustrating the treatment protocol, addresses special challenges typically encountered in implementing this treatment, and ends with an overview of related outcomes and other research findings. Additional chapters are devoted to the treatment of comorbidities, special populations and special treatment modalities and to pharmacological treatments for trauma-related disorders. The book concludes by addressing the fundamental question of how to treat whom, and when.
[瑞士]乌尔里希.施奈德,医学博士,苏黎世大学精神病学与心理治疗系荣休教授。曾担任欧洲创伤应激研究会(ESTSS)主席、国际心理治疗联合会(IPF)主席、国际创伤应激研究会(ISTSS)主席。曾获得ESTSS欧洲心理创伤学Wolter de Loos杰出贡献奖,以及ISTSS终身成就奖(2016)。
[瑞士]乌尔里希.施奈德,医学博士,苏黎世大学精神病学与心理治疗系荣休教授。曾担任欧洲创伤应激研究会(ESTSS)主席、国际心理治疗联合会(IPF)主席、国际创伤应激研究会(ISTSS)主席。曾获得ESTSS欧洲心理创伤学Wolter de Loos杰出贡献奖,以及ISTSS终身成就奖(2016)。