Information, Democracy, and Autocracy

联合创作 · 2023-10-01 23:34

Transparency - the degree to which information about government behavior and action is widely available - matters for major political phenomena; transparency makes elections more effective and enhances economic activity, yet leaves autocrats susceptible to large-scale coordinated protest and collapse. This breakthrough book demonstrates how information impacts major political p...

Transparency - the degree to which information about government behavior and action is widely available - matters for major political phenomena; transparency makes elections more effective and enhances economic activity, yet leaves autocrats susceptible to large-scale coordinated protest and collapse. This breakthrough book demonstrates how information impacts major political phenomena, and introduces a new measure of a specific facet of transparency: the dissemination of economic data.

James R. Hollyer is a Benjamin Evans Lippincott Associate Professor in Political Economy in the Department of Political Science at the University of Minnesota. Professor Hollyer obtained his PhD in political science from New York Univer- sity in 2012, his MA in international relations from the University of Chicago in 2006, and his BA in political economy from Williams College ...

James R. Hollyer is a Benjamin Evans Lippincott Associate Professor in Political Economy in the Department of Political Science at the University of Minnesota. Professor Hollyer obtained his PhD in political science from New York Univer- sity in 2012, his MA in international relations from the University of Chicago in 2006, and his BA in political economy from Williams College in 2003. His research focuses on comparative and international political economy, particularly on trans- parency, corruption, political accountability, and the effects of international policy on domestic politics.

B. Peter Rosendorff is Professor of Politics at New York University and is editor of the interdisciplinary journal, Economics & Politics, and serves on the edito- rial board of International Organization. Professor Rosendorff holds a Ph.D. from Columbia University in economics, a BA (Hons) and BSc from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, in mathematics and economics. He is the author of many journal articles, some of which have appeared in American Political Science Review, American Economics Review, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, and the Journal of Politics, among others.

James Raymond Vreeland is Professor of Politics and International Affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School and Department of Politics at Princeton University. He received his PhD in political science from New York University in 1999. He cur- rently serves on the editorial board of International Organization. He is the author of The IMF and Economic Development (Cambridge University Press, 2003) and The Political Economy of the United Nations Security Council: Money and In u- ence (Cambridge University Press, 2014).

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