Topology and Physics
Since its birth in Poincaré's seminal 1894 "Analysis Situs", topology has become a cornerstone of mathematics. As with all beautiful mathematical concepts, topology inevitably — resonating with that Wignerian principle of the effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences — finds its prominent role in physics. From Chern–Simons theory to topological quantum field theory, ...
Since its birth in Poincaré's seminal 1894 "Analysis Situs", topology has become a cornerstone of mathematics. As with all beautiful mathematical concepts, topology inevitably — resonating with that Wignerian principle of the effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences — finds its prominent role in physics. From Chern–Simons theory to topological quantum field theory, from knot invariants to Calabi–Yau compactification in string theory, from spacetime topology in cosmology to the recent Nobel Prize winning work on topological insulators, the interactions between topology and physics have been a triumph over the past few decades.
In this eponymous volume, we are honoured to have contributions from an assembly of grand masters of the field, guiding us with their world-renowned expertise on the subject of the interplay between "Topology" and "Physics". Beginning with a preface by Chen Ning Yang on his recollections of the early days, we proceed to a novel view of nuclei from the perspective of complex geometry by Sir Michael Atiyah and Nick Manton, followed by an entrée toward recent developments in two-dimensional gravity and intersection theory on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces by Robbert Dijkgraaf and Edward Witten; a study of Majorana fermions and relations to the Braid group by Louis H Kauffman; a pioneering investigation on arithmetic gauge theory by Minhyong Kim; an anecdote-enriched review of singularity theorems in black-hole physics by Sir Roger Penrose; an adventure beyond anyons by Zhenghan Wang; an aperçu on topological insulators from first-principle calculations by Haijun Zhang and Shou-Cheng Zhang; finishing with synopsis on quantum information theory as one of the four revolutions in physics and the second quantum revolution by Xiao-Gang Wen. We hope that this book will serve to inspire the research community.
[荷兰]罗贝特·戴克赫拉夫(Robbert Dijkgraaf),数学物理学家,弦理论家。阿姆斯特丹大学的终身教授。
[美]爱德华·威滕(Edward Witten),“菲尔兹奖”得主,普林斯顿高等研究院教授,弦理论和量子场论的顶尖专家。创立了“M理...
[荷兰]罗贝特·戴克赫拉夫(Robbert Dijkgraaf),数学物理学家,弦理论家。阿姆斯特丹大学的终身教授。
[美]爱德华·威滕(Edward Witten),“菲尔兹奖”得主,普林斯顿高等研究院教授,弦理论和量子场论的顶尖专家。创立了“M理论”。曾被美国《生活》周刊评为“第二次世界大战后第六位有影响的人物”。
[美]路易斯·H.考夫曼(Louis H.Kauffman),伊利诺伊大学数学、统计学和计算机科学系教授。促进了“考夫曼多项式”的引入和发展。
[韩]金明迥(Minhyong Kim),牛津大学墨顿学院教授,浦项工科大学数学系主席。擅长丢番图方程,并在应用算术丢番图方程问题的研究上,有着突出的贡献。
[英]罗杰·彭罗斯(Roger Penrose),“诺贝尔物理学奖”获得者,牛津大学数学系名誉教授。发现了黑洞的形成是对广义相对论的有力预测。曾出版作品《皇帝新脑》。
[美]王正汉,加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校数学系教授,周边理论物理研究所主席,微软研究院Station Q首席研究员。