R in Action : Da

联合创作 · 2023-09-28 15:20

The ability to interpret and act on the massive amounts of information locked in web and enterprise systems is critical to success in the modern business economy. R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, is a comprehensive package that empowers developers and analysts to capture, process, and respond intelligently to statistical information. R i...

The ability to interpret and act on the massive amounts of information locked in web and enterprise systems is critical to success in the modern business economy. R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, is a comprehensive package that empowers developers and analysts to capture, process, and respond intelligently to statistical information. R in Action is the first book to present both the R system and the use cases that make it such a compelling package for business developers. The book begins by introducing the R language, and then moves on to various examples illustrating R's features. Coverage includes data mining methodologies, approaches to messy data, R's extensive graphical environment, useful add-on modules, and how to interface R with other software platforms and data management systems.

Robert I. Kabacoff R语言社区著名学习网站Quick-Rhttp://www.statmethods.net/)的幕后维护者,现为全球化开发与咨询公司Management研究集团研发副总裁。此前,Kabacoff博士是佛罗里达诺瓦东南大学的教授,讲授定量方法和统计编程的研究生课程。Kabacoff还是临床心理学博士、统计顾问,擅长数据分析,在健康、金融服务、制造业、行为科学、政府和学术界有20余年的研究和统计咨询经验。

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