Economic Analysis of Law
Many great features make this text an ideal option for your classroom:
- maintains its standing as the preeminent work in the field, covering the legal-economic perspective on all key areas, from common law to the Constitution
- presents the expertise of a highly distinguished author, pioneer in law and economics analysis
- offers accessible, lucid, and user-friendly writing a...
Many great features make this text an ideal option for your classroom:
- maintains its standing as the preeminent work in the field, covering the legal-economic perspective on all key areas, from common law to the Constitution
- presents the expertise of a highly distinguished author, pioneer in law and economics analysis
- offers accessible, lucid, and user-friendly writing and organization:
i. non-quantitative approach does not assume or require prior knowledge of economics or mathematics
ii. part and chapter organization based on legal, not economic concepts
- includes end-of-chapter sections to reinforce and extend learning through problems and suggested further readings
This edition highlights a variety of new information, keeping it timely and topical:
- the corporations chapter is revised and updated significantly in light of Enron and other corporate scandals; and Congress response in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
- an exciting new field of economics -- organizational economics -- is now included, with particular reference not only to corporations but also to nonprofits, law firms, and the judiciary
- the rapidly expanding interest in the legal regulation of national security and foreign affairs (torture issues, executive power, the USA Patriot Act, etc.) requires the addition of the interesting economic issues presented by such regulation
- expanded coverage of foreign law, of which there is increased interest, both substantive and institutional, and both national and supranational (e.g., European Union) is included throughout the book
- new insights in the chapter on contracts are drawn from the author's recent scholarly work on contractlaw
- since intellectual property is perhaps the hottest field in law today, the author incorporates some ideas from a book he recently coauthored with William Landes on the economic structure of intellectual property law
- the chapter on finance is revised and updated to reflect the growing importance of behavioral finance.
- novel legal-economic issues relating to the Internet are added to several chapters
理查德?波斯纳,Richard Allen Posner,1939~20世纪70年代以来最为杰出的法官、法学家、法律经济学家和法律哲学家之一。
蒋兆康,毕业于华东政法学院、中国社会科学院和耶鲁法学院,获法学学士和硕士学位,并获得中国和美国律师资格。他为美国律师协会、纽约州律师协会、美国海关和国际贸易律师协会及耶鲁俱乐部(华盛顿特区)会员。他曾出任中国国际商会理事、中国美国商会海关和贸易委员会主席。《亚洲法律》多次将他评为亚太地区政府管制事务杰出律师。蒋兆康先生在从事国际贸易、供应链管理、外汇管制和国际税收等法律和商业业务之外,依然长期关注法律和公共政策研究。主要出版物有:Cost-saving with Compliance,As patore Books(2009年);《美国对外贸易法和海关法》(译作,2000年);《中华人民共和国海关法》(合著,...
理查德?波斯纳,Richard Allen Posner,1939~20世纪70年代以来最为杰出的法官、法学家、法律经济学家和法律哲学家之一。
蒋兆康,毕业于华东政法学院、中国社会科学院和耶鲁法学院,获法学学士和硕士学位,并获得中国和美国律师资格。他为美国律师协会、纽约州律师协会、美国海关和国际贸易律师协会及耶鲁俱乐部(华盛顿特区)会员。他曾出任中国国际商会理事、中国美国商会海关和贸易委员会主席。《亚洲法律》多次将他评为亚太地区政府管制事务杰出律师。蒋兆康先生在从事国际贸易、供应链管理、外汇管制和国际税收等法律和商业业务之外,依然长期关注法律和公共政策研究。主要出版物有:Cost-saving with Compliance,As patore Books(2009年);《美国对外贸易法和海关法》(译作,2000年);《中华人民共和国海关法》(合著,2000年)等;他在Asia Legal Business. China Law and Practice, China Law, Americ, an Shipper, the Journal of Commerce, Journal of World Customs, South China Morning Post.《法学研究》、《法学译丛》、《法制日报》等发表法律经济学、海关贸易政策、中美关系等文章五十余篇,并接受多家国际和中国媒体专访。此外,他还在美、加、英、德、比、荷、瑞、日、韩、印等十多国受邀出席国际海关贸易专业会议,发表讲话五十余次。