Design, Form, and Chaos
In this book Paul Rand said to be one of the world's leading graphic designers, speaks about the contemporary practice of graphic design, explaining the processes and passion that foster good design and indicting fadism and trendiness. Illustrating his ideas with examples of his own graphic work as well as with the work of artists he admires, Rand discusses such topics as: the ...
In this book Paul Rand said to be one of the world's leading graphic designers, speaks about the contemporary practice of graphic design, explaining the processes and passion that foster good design and indicting fadism and trendiness. Illustrating his ideas with examples of his own graphic work as well as with the work of artists he admires, Rand discusses such topics as: the values on which aesthetic judgements are based; the part played by intuition in good design; the proper relationship between management and designers; the place of market research; how and when to use computers in the production of a design; choosing a typeface; principles of book design; and the thought processes that lead to a final design. The centrepiece of the book consists of seven design portfolios - with working drawings and ultimate choices - that Rand used to present his logos to clients such as Next, The Limited and IBM.
保罗•兰德(Paul Rand,1914—1996),20世纪杰出的平面设计师、思想家及教育家。他涉猎广泛,包括对杂志和广告公司的艺术指导、包装设计、书籍插图、字体排印,以及绘画和艺术教育。他为企业设计的商标,家喻户晓,蔚为经典,如美国广播公司(ABC)、IBM公司、UPS快递、西屋电气(Westinghouse)、耶鲁大学(Yale),以及乔布斯开创的NEXT电脑公司。他在耶鲁大学任教三十多年,主要教授平面设计,是耶鲁大学的“荣誉教授”。他曾获得美国平面设计协会、纽约艺术家协会、英国皇家设计师协会授予的多项大奖,并被现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)提名为有史以来优秀的十位艺术总监之一。