Credit and Blame
In his eye-opening book "Why?", world-renowned social scientist Charles Tilly exposed some startling truths about the excuses people make and the reasons they give. Now he's back with further explorations into the complexities of human relationships, this time examining what's really going on when we assign credit or cast blame. Everybody does it, but few understand the hidden ...
In his eye-opening book "Why?", world-renowned social scientist Charles Tilly exposed some startling truths about the excuses people make and the reasons they give. Now he's back with further explorations into the complexities of human relationships, this time examining what's really going on when we assign credit or cast blame. Everybody does it, but few understand the hidden motivations behind it. With his customary wit and dazzling insight, Tilly takes a lively and thought-provoking look at the ways people fault and applaud each other and themselves. The stories he gathers in "Credit and Blame" range from the everyday to the altogether unexpected, from the revealingly personal to the insightfully humorous - whether it's the gushing acceptance speech of an Academy Award winner or testimony before a congressional panel, accusations hurled in a lover's quarrel or those traded by nations in a post-9/11 crisis, or a job promotion or the Nobel Prize.Drawing examples from literature, history, pop culture, and much more, Tilly argues that people seek not only understanding through credit and blame, but also justice. The punishment must fit the crime, accomplishments should be rewarded, and the guilty parties must always get their just deserts. Brilliantly conceived and masterfully written, "Credit and Blame" is a book that revolutionizes our understanding of the compliments we pay and the accusations we make.
查尔斯•蒂利(Charles Tilly,1929—2008)是20世纪下半叶和21世纪初世界顶尖的社会科学家之一,被誉为“21世纪社会学之父”“美国最多产、最有趣的社会学家”。蒂利于1958年获哈佛大学社会学博士学位,之后曾于哈佛大学、多伦多大学和哥伦比亚大学等校任教,生前为哥伦比亚大学约瑟夫•L. 伯滕威泽社会科学讲席教授,在社会学、政治学与历史学三系同时任教。他是美国国家科学院、美国人文与科学院、美国哲学院院士,美国科学促进会、社会学研究学会、比较研究学会特约会员,并获法国棕榈叶教育骑士勋章、社会科学研究委员会阿尔伯特•O. 赫希曼奖、美国社会学会终身成就奖、国际政治学会卡尔•多伊奇奖以及美国社会学会、社会问题学会和美国政治学会民主化专业委员会的年度最佳著作奖等荣誉。蒂利的研究集中于宏观社会变迁与抗争政治(尤其是1500年以降的欧...
查尔斯•蒂利(Charles Tilly,1929—2008)是20世纪下半叶和21世纪初世界顶尖的社会科学家之一,被誉为“21世纪社会学之父”“美国最多产、最有趣的社会学家”。蒂利于1958年获哈佛大学社会学博士学位,之后曾于哈佛大学、多伦多大学和哥伦比亚大学等校任教,生前为哥伦比亚大学约瑟夫•L. 伯滕威泽社会科学讲席教授,在社会学、政治学与历史学三系同时任教。他是美国国家科学院、美国人文与科学院、美国哲学院院士,美国科学促进会、社会学研究学会、比较研究学会特约会员,并获法国棕榈叶教育骑士勋章、社会科学研究委员会阿尔伯特•O. 赫希曼奖、美国社会学会终身成就奖、国际政治学会卡尔•多伊奇奖以及美国社会学会、社会问题学会和美国政治学会民主化专业委员会的年度最佳著作奖等荣誉。蒂利的研究集中于宏观社会变迁与抗争政治(尤其是1500年以降的欧洲),被广泛视为历史社会学和抗争政治研究的奠基人。
李钧鹏,现任华中师范大学社会学院教授。2017年获哥伦比亚大学社会学博士学位,2017—2019年在哈佛大学阿什民主治理与创新研究中心从事博士后研究。兼任国际社会学会出版委员会委员、International Sociology Reviews主编、Studies of Transition States and Societies书评主编以及数份中英文刊物编委,曾任美国社会问题学会委任委员会委员以及Social Forces副主编。曾获董辅礽经济科学奖、美国社会问题学会最佳研究生论文奖、国际社会学会第六届世界青年社会学家奖,2018年当选为全球青年学会会士。研究领域为政治、历史与文化社会学,对一系列理论问题抱有兴趣。