An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies
An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies, Second Edition reflects the latest advances in the field while continuing to provide students with a road map to the complex interdisciplinary terrain of science and technology studies. Distinctive in its attention to both the underlying philosophical and sociological aspects of science and technology Explores core topics such...
An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies, Second Edition reflects the latest advances in the field while continuing to provide students with a road map to the complex interdisciplinary terrain of science and technology studies. Distinctive in its attention to both the underlying philosophical and sociological aspects of science and technology Explores core topics such as realism and social construction, discourse and rhetoric, objectivity, and the public understanding of science Includes numerous empirical studies and illustrative examples to elucidate the topics discussed Now includes new material on political economies of scientific and technological knowledge, and democratizing technical decisions Other features of the new edition include improved readability, updated references, chapter reorganization, and more material on medicine and technology
瑟乔·西斯蒙多,加拿大女王大学哲学与社会学副教授。1993年获康奈尔大学科学技术学博士学位。1993—1996年在女王大学从事博士后研究,此后留校任教。他是日本关西学院大学、加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学以及美国纽约大学的访问学者, “科学的社会研究》编辑。他的研究领域主要是科学技术学理论以及数学模型和计算机模拟的哲学社会问题,专著主要有:《没有神话的科学——论建构、实在和社会知识》,《科学的艺术》(与Boris Castel合著),《科学技术学导论》。