The Secret History of Twin Peaks
Mark Frost was the co-creator and executive producer of the cult classic television series, "Twin Peaks," and is the author of several books including the bestseller, "The Greatest Game Ever Played." He attended school in Pittsburgh, where he studied acting, directing, and playwriting before leaving to begin his impressive career in television, film, and literature. He received...
Mark Frost was the co-creator and executive producer of the cult classic television series, "Twin Peaks," and is the author of several books including the bestseller, "The Greatest Game Ever Played." He attended school in Pittsburgh, where he studied acting, directing, and playwriting before leaving to begin his impressive career in television, film, and literature. He received a Writer s Guild Award and an Emmy nomination for his work as executive story editor on the acclaimed television series Hill Street Blues. He lives in Los Angeles and upstate New York.
马克·弗罗斯特(Mark Frost,1953— ),美国著名小说家、电影编剧、导演、制片人,专注于超自然事件的研究。弗罗斯特出生在纽约,后与家人一同搬到了洛杉矶,成为著名导演大卫·林奇的绝世好友。弗罗斯特因与林奇一同创作了《双峰》系列而为人所熟知。作者本人极度低调,几乎从不主动在媒体面前曝光,是躲在大卫·林奇身后的大师,他与林奇二人异于寻常的思维方式总是能唤起奇妙的艺术灵感。《双峰:神秘史》是他亲笔操刀的“档案小说”,是一部很难用语言概括的迷之书,对揭开《双峰》的巨大秘密有无法言说的帮助。此外,他的新书,也是“双峰”系列的绝笔《双峰:最终档案》,中文版预计也会在近期出版,值得期待。