Civilization and Its Discontents联合创作 · 2023-10-01 13:49作者 西格蒙德•弗洛伊德 (Sigmund Freud,1856—1939),奥地利心理学家,“精神分析之父”,思想家,提出了“潜意识”“俄狄浦斯情结”和“自我”“本我”“超我”等重要概念,对西方现当代的心理学、哲学、文学和流行文化产生深远影响。主要著作有《梦的解析》《精神分析引论》《性学三论》《图腾与禁忌》《文明及其不满》 译者 严志军,南京师范大学外国语学院教授 张沫,南京邮电大学外国语学院讲师浏览 1点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享 编辑 分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐 Civilization and Its DiscontentsCivilization and Its Discontents0Civilization and Its DiscontentsCivilization and Its Discontents0Civilization and Its Discontents在线阅读本书 In what remains one of his most semiCivilization and Its DiscontentsCivilization and Its Discontents0Civilization and Its Discontents (Live)Civilization and Its Discontents (Live)0Civilization and Its Discontents: Soap As a Measure of CivilizationCivilization and Its Discontents: Soap As a Measure of Civilization0Civilization and Its Discontents: Overcoming the Forces of NatureCivilization and Its Discontents: Overcoming the Forces of Nature0Civilization and Its Discontents: Bad Conscience and the SuperegoCivilization and Its Discontents: Bad Conscience and the Superego0Civilization and Its Discontents: The Aggressive Impulse ThwartedCivilization and Its Discontents: The Aggressive Impulse Thwarted0Civilization and Its Discontents: Love, Necessity, and the Death ImpulseCivilization and Its Discontents: Love, Necessity, and the Death Impulse0点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享 编辑 分享 举报