A History of Architectural Conservation
A History of Architectural Conservation expands knowledge about the conservation of ancient monuments, works of art and historic buildings. It includes the origins of the interest in conservation within the European context, and the development of the concepts from Antiquity and the Renaissance to the present day. Jokilehto illustrates how this development has influenced intern...
A History of Architectural Conservation expands knowledge about the conservation of ancient monuments, works of art and historic buildings. It includes the origins of the interest in conservation within the European context, and the development of the concepts from Antiquity and the Renaissance to the present day. Jokilehto illustrates how this development has influenced international collaboration in the protection and conservation of cultural heritage, and how it has formed the principal concepts and approach to conservation and restoration in today's multi-cultural society.
This book is based on archival research of original documents and the study of key restoration examples in countries that have influenced the international conservation movement. Accessible and of great interest to students and the general public it includes conservation trends in Europe, the USA, India, Iran and Japan.
* Uses world-wide examples to give a complete overview of the modern approach to conservation and restoration
* Provides a thorough explanation of the development of the concepts of conservation from traditional to modern society
* Learn from the knowledge of this experienced and well respected author
尤卡·尤基莱托博士、教授(Prof.Dr.Jukka Jokilehto),芬兰建筑师和城市规划师,国际著名的文化遗产保护史学家和哲学家。
19 72年起,他服务于总部设在罗马的国际政府间文化遗产保护与研究机构——国际文物保存与修复研究中心(ICCROM);1998年从该中心助理总干事职位退休。
尤卡·尤基莱托博士、教授(Prof.Dr.Jukka Jokilehto),芬兰建筑师和城市规划师,国际著名的文化遗产保护史学家和哲学家。
19 72年起,他服务于总部设在罗马的国际政府间文化遗产保护与研究机构——国际文物保存与修复研究中心(ICCROM);1998年从该中心助理总干事职位退休。
其著作除本书外,还有与伯纳德·费尔顿爵士为ICCROM联合撰写的《世界遗产地管理导则》(The Management Guidelines for World Heritage Sites ICCROM,1993),以及文化遗产领域大量的其他著作。他的作品很多都被翻译成多国文字,为各国同行所借鉴。