《Haskell并行与并发编程》深入浅出地介绍如何使用Haskell语言及相关的库和框架编写并行和并发程序。《Haskell并行与并发编程》用两个部分分别讲解并行Haskell编程和并发Haskell编程。根据编程模型的不同,并行部分介绍了3种并行编程方式:基于惰性求值的并行(Eval Monad及求值策略)、基于数据流的并行(Par Monad)以及面向大规模数组算法的并行(Repa数据并行编程和Acellerate GPU编程)。并发部分则按抽象层次由低到高分别涉及线程和MVar、重叠I/O、线程的取消和超时、软件事务内存、高级并发抽象、并发网络服务程序、使用线程并行编程和分布式编程等,最后还介绍调试、性能调优以及外部函数接口。书中包含大量可运行的代码示例,并附有详细的注释,读者通过亲身运行、修改和调试代码,可极大地加深对书中内容的理解。
《Haskell并行与并发编程》深入浅出地介绍如何使用Haskell语言及相关的库和框架编写并行和并发程序。《Haskell并行与并发编程》用两个部分分别讲解并行Haskell编程和并发Haskell编程。根据编程模型的不同,并行部分介绍了3种并行编程方式:基于惰性求值的并行(Eval Monad及求值策略)、基于数据流的并行(Par Monad)以及面向大规模数组算法的并行(Repa数据并行编程和Acellerate GPU编程)。并发部分则按抽象层次由低到高分别涉及线程和MVar、重叠I/O、线程的取消和超时、软件事务内存、高级并发抽象、并发网络服务程序、使用线程并行编程和分布式编程等,最后还介绍调试、性能调优以及外部函数接口。书中包含大量可运行的代码示例,并附有详细的注释,读者通过亲身运行、修改和调试代码,可极大地加深对书中内容的理解。
Simon Marlow has been a prominent figure in the Haskell community formany years. He is the author of large parts of the Glasgow HaskellCompiler, including in particular its highly regarded mulitcoreruntime system, along with many of the libraries and tools thatHaskell programmers take for granted. Simon also contributes to thefunctional programming research community, and has a...
Simon Marlow has been a prominent figure in the Haskell community formany years. He is the author of large parts of the Glasgow HaskellCompiler, including in particular its highly regarded mulitcoreruntime system, along with many of the libraries and tools thatHaskell programmers take for granted. Simon also contributes to thefunctional programming research community, and has a string of paperson subjects ranging from garbage collection to language design. Inrecent years Simon's focus has been on making Haskell an idealprogramming language for parallel and concurrent applications, both bydeveloping new programming models and building a high-qualityimplementation.
Simon spent 14 years at Microsoft's Research laborotory in Cambridge,before taking a break in Spring 2013 to work on this book. Hecurrently works at Facebook UK.