4 3 2 1
On March 3, 1947, in the maternity ward of Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, New Jersey, Archibald Isaac Ferguson, the one and only child of Rose and Stanley Ferguson, is born. From that single beginning, Ferguson’s life will take four simultaneous and independent fictional paths. Four Fergusons made of the same genetic material, four boys who are the same boy, will go on to lead...
On March 3, 1947, in the maternity ward of Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, New Jersey, Archibald Isaac Ferguson, the one and only child of Rose and Stanley Ferguson, is born. From that single beginning, Ferguson’s life will take four simultaneous and independent fictional paths. Four Fergusons made of the same genetic material, four boys who are the same boy, will go on to lead four parallel and entirely different lives. Family fortunes diverge. Loves and friendships and intellectual passions contrast. Chapter by chapter, the rotating narratives evolve into an elaborate dance of inner worlds enfolded within the outer forces of history as, one by one, the intimate plot of each Ferguson’s story rushes on across the tumultuous and fractured terrain of mid twentieth-century America. A boy grows up—again and again and again.
保罗•奥斯特(Paul Auster),1947年出生于新泽西的纽瓦克,著名小说家、诗人、剧作家、译者、电影导演,美国艺术与文学院院士,其作品融合了荒诞主义、存在主义和悬疑小说等元素,被视为美国当代最具创新性的小说家之一。奥斯特著作等身,代表作包括小说《纽约三部曲》《幻影书》《布鲁克林的荒唐事》《巨兽》,以及回忆录《孤独及其所创造的》,评论集《饥渴的艺术》等,曾获法国美第奇文学奖,西班牙阿斯图里亚斯王子文学奖,美国约翰•科林顿文学杰出贡献奖,并多次入围都柏林文学奖、布克奖、福克纳小说奖等,作品已被翻译成四十余种文字。他编剧的电影《烟》于1996年获得柏林电影节银熊奖和最佳编剧奖,2012年,他成为第一位纽约市文学荣誉奖的获得者。《4 3 2 1》(2017年)是他七年来首部长篇小说。