代数学I : 代数学1

联合创作 · 2023-09-14 16:37




第1章 数与集合

1.1 集合

1.2 映射,势

1.3 自然数序列

1.4 有限与可数集合

1.5 分类

第2章 群

2.1 群的概念

2.2 子群

2.3 群子集的运算,陪集

2.4 同构与自同构

2.5 同态,正规子群,商群

第3章 环与域

3.1 环

3.2 同态与同构

3.3 商的构成

3.4 多项式环

3.5 理想,同余类环

3.6 整除性,素理想

3.7 Euclid...




第1章 数与集合

1.1 集合

1.2 映射,势

1.3 自然数序列

1.4 有限与可数集合

1.5 分类

第2章 群

2.1 群的概念

2.2 子群

2.3 群子集的运算,陪集

2.4 同构与自同构

2.5 同态,正规子群,商群

第3章 环与域

3.1 环

3.2 同态与同构

3.3 商的构成

3.4 多项式环

3.5 理想,同余类环

3.6 整除性,素理想

3.7 Euclid环与主理想环

3.8 因子分解

第4章 向量空间和张量空间

4.1 向量空间

4.2 维数不变性

4.3 对偶向量空间

4.4 体上的线性方程组

4.5 线性变换

4.6 张量

4.7 反对称双线性型与行列式

4.8 张量积,缩并与迹

第5章 多项式

5.1 微分法

5.2 多项式的零点

5.3 内插公式

5.4 因子分解

5.5 不可约性判定标准

5.6 因子分解在有限步下的完成

5.7 对称函数

5.8 两个多项式的结式

5.9 结式作为根的对称函数

5.10 有理函数的部分分式分解

第6章 域论

6.1 子体,素体

6.2 添加

6.3 单纯域扩张

6.4 域的有限扩张

6.5 域的代数扩张

6.6 单位根

6.7 Galois域(有限域)

6.8 可分与不可分扩张

6.9 完全域及不完全域

6.10 代数扩张的单纯性,本原元素定理

6.11 范数与迹

第7章 群论续

7.1 带算子的群

7.2 算子同构和算子同态

7.3 两个同构定理

7.4 正规群列与合成群列

7.5 pn阶群

7.6 直积

7.7 群的特征标

7.8 交错群的单纯性

7.9 可迁性与本原性

第8章 Galois理论

8.1 Galois群

8.2 Galois理论的基本定理

8.3 共轭的群、域与域的元素

8.4 分圆域

8.5 循环域与纯粹方程

8.6 用根式解方程

8.7 n次一般方程

8.8 二次、三次与四次方程

8.9 圆规与直尺作图

8.10 Galois群的计算,具有对称群的方程

8.11 正规基

第9章 集合的序与良序

9.1 有序集合

9.2 选择公理与Zorn引理

9.3 良序定理

9.4 超限归纳法

第10章 无限域扩张

10.1 代数封闭域

10.2 单纯超越扩域

10.3 代数相关性与无关性

10.4 超越次数

10.5 代数函数的微分法

第11章 实域

11.1 有序域

11.2 实数的定义

11.3 实函数的零点

11.4 复数域

11.5 实域的代数理论

11.6 关于形式实域的存在定理

11.7 平方和


Bartel Leendert van der Waerden (February 2, 1903, Amsterdam, Netherlands – January 12, 1996, Zürich, Switzerland) was a Dutch mathematician.

Van der Waerden learned advanced mathematics at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Göttingen, from 1919 until 1926. He was much influenced by Emmy Noether at Göttingen. Amsterdam awarded him a Ph.D. for a thesis on algebrai...

Bartel Leendert van der Waerden (February 2, 1903, Amsterdam, Netherlands – January 12, 1996, Zürich, Switzerland) was a Dutch mathematician.

Van der Waerden learned advanced mathematics at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Göttingen, from 1919 until 1926. He was much influenced by Emmy Noether at Göttingen. Amsterdam awarded him a Ph.D. for a thesis on algebraic geometry, supervised by Hendrick de Vries. Göttingen awarded him the habilitation in 1928.

In his 27th year, Van der Waerden published his Algebra, an influential two-volume treatise on abstract algebra, still cited, and perhaps the first treatise to treat the subject as a comprehensive whole. This work systematized an ample body of research by Emmy Noether, David Hilbert, Richard Dedekind, and Emil Artin. In the following year, 1931, he was appointed professor at the University of Leipzig.

The Third Reich made life difficult for Van der Waerden as a foreigner teaching in Germany, but he refused to give up his Dutch nationality. He filled the chair in mathematics at the University of Amsterdam, 1948–1951, then moved to the University of Zurich, where he spent the rest of his career, supervising more than 40 Ph.D. students.

Van der Waerden is mainly remembered for his work on abstract algebra. He also wrote on algebraic geometry, topology, number theory, geometry, combinatorics, analysis, probability and statistics, and quantum mechanics (he and Heisenberg had been colleagues at Leipzig). In his later years, he turned to the history of mathematics and science. His historical writings include Ontwakende wetenschap (1950), which was translated into English as Science Awakening (1954), Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilizations (1983), and A History of Algebra (1985).

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