The Meeting of Eastern and Western Art
The meeting of Eastern and Western art is always more than a synthesis; it offers creative possibilities for interaction between East and West, a process in which the great civilizations preserve their own character while stimulating and enriching each other. In this book, Michael Sullivan leads the reader through four centuries of exciting interaction between the artists of Ch...
The meeting of Eastern and Western art is always more than a synthesis; it offers creative possibilities for interaction between East and West, a process in which the great civilizations preserve their own character while stimulating and enriching each other. In this book, Michael Sullivan leads the reader through four centuries of exciting interaction between the artists of China and Japan and those of Western Europe. From Hokusai to van Gogh, Sullivan shows how the study of artistic interpretation has significantly enlarged and enriched our vision of artists and their aims and ideals both East and West.
迈克尔•苏立文(Michael Sullivan,1916—2013),牛津大学圣凯瑟琳学院荣誉退休院士,曾在剑桥大学、斯坦福大学等多所高校和研究机构从事教学及研究。荣获过美国国家人文基金会、古根海姆基金会、洛克菲勒基金会等多所机构颁发的多项荣誉和研究基金。
赵潇(Rebekah X. Zhao),山东大学历史系博士,1994年起移居英国,长期从事翻译工作。于2010—2012年间在牛津...
迈克尔•苏立文(Michael Sullivan,1916—2013),牛津大学圣凯瑟琳学院荣誉退休院士,曾在剑桥大学、斯坦福大学等多所高校和研究机构从事教学及研究。荣获过美国国家人文基金会、古根海姆基金会、洛克菲勒基金会等多所机构颁发的多项荣誉和研究基金。
赵潇(Rebekah X. Zhao),山东大学历史系博士,1994年起移居英国,长期从事翻译工作。于2010—2012年间在牛津大学进修西方艺术史,得苏立文教授亲自传授。现担任英国雷丁大学国际研究及语言中心中文讲师。