The Collector
Withdrawn, uneducated and unloved, Frederick collects butterflies and takes photographs. Then he captures the art student Miranda and keeps her in the cellar of the large house where he patiently waits for the barriers of class and taste to break down in the limbo of their isolation. She, the creator, desperate for her freedom, tries to understand but cannot banish her contempt...
Withdrawn, uneducated and unloved, Frederick collects butterflies and takes photographs. Then he captures the art student Miranda and keeps her in the cellar of the large house where he patiently waits for the barriers of class and taste to break down in the limbo of their isolation. She, the creator, desperate for her freedom, tries to understand but cannot banish her contempt for everything anti-life that the collector stands for.
约翰•福尔斯(John Fowles)
英国小说家。出生于英国埃塞克斯郡,毕业于牛津大学。出版多部小说、剧本、诗集,还从事翻译工作。代表作有《收藏家》《法国中尉的女人》《巫术师》。其中,《法国中尉的女人》获得国际笔会银笔奖和W.H.史密斯文学奖,并由英国著名剧作家、诺贝 尔文学奖得主哈罗德•品特改编成同名电影,成为影坛的经典佳作。