A Christmas Memory
Taking its place next to Breakfast at Tiffany's and In Cold Blood on the Modern Library bookshelf is this new and original edition of Capote's most famous short stories: "A Christmas Memory, " "One Christmas, " and "A Thanksgiving Memory." All three stories are distinguished by Capote's delicate interplay of childhood sensibility and recollective vision.
杜鲁门·卡坡蒂(Truman Capote, 1924-1984),20世纪中叶美国最富传奇色彩的天才作家,在文坛和名流圈中都曾辉映一时,著有短篇小说集、长篇小说和剧本若干。少时习作以短篇小说起步,两度获欧·亨利奖。1966以长篇纪实小说《冷血》蜚声世界。《圣诞忆旧集》是其短篇小说代表作。