Miss Marple – A Caribbean Myst
A facsimile first edition hardback of the Miss Marple books, published to mark the 75th anniversary of her first appearance and to celebrate her new-found success on television. When The Murder at the Vicarage was published in October 1930, little did the literary world realise that Agatha Christie, already famous for her early Poirot titles, was introducing a character who wo...
A facsimile first edition hardback of the Miss Marple books, published to mark the 75th anniversary of her first appearance and to celebrate her new-found success on television. When The Murder at the Vicarage was published in October 1930, little did the literary world realise that Agatha Christie, already famous for her early Poirot titles, was introducing a character who would become the best-loved female sleuth of all time. The 14 Marple books would appear at intervals over the next 49 years, with Miss Marple's Final Cases published in 1979, three years after Agatha's death. To mark the 75th anniversary of Miss Marple's first appearance, and to celebrate her renewed fortunes as a primetime television star, this collection of facsimile first editions will be the perfect way to enjoy these books in their original form -- 12 novels and two short story collections. Reproducing the original typesetting and formats from the first editions from the Christie family's own archive copies, these books sport the original covers which have been painstakingly restored from the best available copies, reflecting five decades of iconic cover design.
第一次世界大战期间,阿加莎•克里斯蒂成了一名志愿者。战争结束后,她创作了自己的第一部侦探小说《斯泰尔斯庄园奇案》。几经周折,作品于一九二○正式出 版,由此开启了克里斯蒂辉煌的创作生涯。一九二六年,《罗杰疑案》由哈珀柯林斯出版公司出版。这部作品一举奠定了阿加莎•克里斯蒂在侦探文学领域不可撼动的地位。之后,她又陆续出版了《东方快车谋杀案》、《ABC 谋杀案》、《尼罗河上的惨案》、《无人生还》、《阳光下的罪恶》等脍炙人口的作品。时至今日,这些作品依然是世界侦探文学宝库里最宝贵的财富。根据她的小 说改编而成的舞台剧《捕鼠器...
第一次世界大战期间,阿加莎•克里斯蒂成了一名志愿者。战争结束后,她创作了自己的第一部侦探小说《斯泰尔斯庄园奇案》。几经周折,作品于一九二○正式出 版,由此开启了克里斯蒂辉煌的创作生涯。一九二六年,《罗杰疑案》由哈珀柯林斯出版公司出版。这部作品一举奠定了阿加莎•克里斯蒂在侦探文学领域不可撼动的地位。之后,她又陆续出版了《东方快车谋杀案》、《ABC 谋杀案》、《尼罗河上的惨案》、《无人生还》、《阳光下的罪恶》等脍炙人口的作品。时至今日,这些作品依然是世界侦探文学宝库里最宝贵的财富。根据她的小 说改编而成的舞台剧《捕鼠器》,已经成为世界上公演场次最多的剧目;而在影视改编方面,《东方快车谋杀案》为英格丽•褒曼斩获奥斯卡大奖,《尼罗河上的惨 案》更是成为了几代人心目中的经典。
阿加莎•克里斯蒂的创作生涯持续了五十余年,总共创作了八十部侦探小说。她的作品畅销全世界一 百多个国家和地区,累计销量已经突破二十亿册。她创造的小胡子侦探波洛和老处女侦探马普尔小姐为读者津津乐道。阿加莎•克里斯蒂是柯南•道尔之后最伟大的 侦探小说作家,是侦探文学黄金时代的开创者和集大成者。一九七一年,英国女王授予克里斯蒂爵士称号,以表彰其不朽的贡献。