
联合创作 · 2023-10-15 22:25

国际大学预科班主要课程均由外籍教师及优秀中国英语教师联合任教,学生在国际大学预科班接受专业课和外语强化训练后,再出国学习三至四年,取得大学本科学历。从2004年8月首批大学预科班全部顺利通过雅思考试以来,我校签证通过率高达100%。至今已有近300名海亮学子分别就读英国、美国、加拿大等国家的知名学府,如英国伦敦大学、莱卡斯特大学、格林威治大学、北安普顿大学、纽卡瑟大学,美国加州大学、密西根理工大学,加拿大哥伦比亚学院、西三一大学、高贵林学院等。 其中,多名学生获得雅思7.0分以上,成功进入世界排名前50位大学。HSK汉语班是为那些希望了解中国文化和学习中文的外籍学生(包括海外华侨,华人子女)设立的。实行小班教学,以汉语教学为主,同时开设中国文化、中国历史、艺术等方面课程,配备较强的汉语师资力量。学生可以参加中国HSK汉语水平考试,也可参加高考。2013年,海亮国际学校有700多名学生,40多个班(小学国际班、初中国际班、高中国际班、国际大学预科班、精英班、韩语班、日语班、对外汉语班、A- Level剑桥国际班、SAT班等),还开设了SAT、雅思、托福等培训课程。为提高学生的素养,特开设了音乐、体育、美术、小语种、海洋渔业、实用心理学等20多门选修课程。海亮国际部拥有一支朝气蓬勃、乐于奉献的教师团队,其中资深外籍教师22人,所有课程均由中西方优秀教师联合执教。2011年12 月,原新东方名师蒋轶凡先生(Frank)加盟海亮,担任海亮国际部校长。2012年2月,海亮国际学校国际交流合作部正式成立,由资深升学规划师朱红胜(Steven)担任该部门负责人。2012年,海亮国际部被剑桥大学国际考试中心授予“剑桥国际中心”称号,成立浙江海亮教育集团剑桥国际中心。办学数年来,海亮国际学校教学取得了良好的成绩,其中的佼佼者有李燕、汪雅婧同学,她们均以雅思7.0分的优异成绩获得奖学金,直接就读格林威治大学本科。2011年,国际部搬入海亮国际教育中心大楼,以崭新的姿态,为有志出国留学的莘莘学子,量身定制出国深造的绿色通行证!2011年,国际部搬入海亮国际教育大楼,以崭新的姿态,为莘莘学子量身定制出国深造的绿色通行证,为有志留学中国的外籍学生提供优质平台, 为海亮教育集团实现 “Competitive Distinctive International 精品化、特色化、国际化” 而奋斗!校训海亮国际学校校训:责任Responsibility感恩Gratitude博爱Compassion进取Endeavor学校大事记2002年11月,海亮教育集团和英国格林威治大学签订联合创办大学预科班协议,由教育集团副总校长郑继红女士领衔担纲。十年后被授予“优秀合作伙伴称号”。In Nov., 2002, Hailiang Education Group and the University of Greenwich signed an agreement of cooperation of International Foundation Program(IFP) and established an IFP class at Hailiang. Grace Zheng, Vice Principal of Hailiang Education Group is in charge of the International Education. HLIS was awarded Excellent Partner after ten years' co-operation.2003年7月,海亮国际大学预科班正式成立,郑继红校长提出校训:责任、感恩、博爱、进取。英国格林威治大学国际部主任Ken教授亲自面试学生。In July, 2003, Hailiang IFP Class was established officially. Grace Zheng put forward the school’s motto: Responsibility, Gratitude, Compassion, Endeavor. Professor Ken from University of Greenwich interviewed the students of IFP Class.2004年1月,国际大学预科班第一届英国冬令营在伦敦顺利举行,由郑继红校长亲自带领14位学生参加;从此,国际大学预科班每年举办一次英国冬令营。In January, 2004, IFP’s first winter camp was held in London. The camp was led by Vice Principal Grace Zheng of Hailiang School, and consisted of 14 students. Since then, IFP has held its winter camps once a year in the UK.2004年5月,国际部创办《海亮新世纪英语报》,每学期出版一期。In May, 2004, IFP published its Hailiang New Century English Paper in a rate of once every semester.2004年7月,第一届国际大学预科班学生全体通过雅思考试,顺利就读国外大学;李燕Joy和汪雅婧Holly以雅思7.0分的好成绩,获奖学金直接就读英国格林威治大学。In July, 2004, the first batch of IFP students took the IELTS tests and were admitted to various universities abroad. Among them, Joy and Holy got the scores of 7 in IELTS and received scholarships from the University of Greenwich.2005年5月,国际部和浙江新通国际合作,联合开设“雅思培训班”。In May, 2005, IFP established cooperation with Zhejiang Shinyway International and opened an IELTS training class.2006年9月,海亮教育集团和加拿大银枫教育集团合作创办“中加班”; 一个月后,加拿大Thompson Rivers University大学国际部主任Gene McDonald教授来国际班做讲座;2008年11月,加拿大百年中校Centennial Secondary School校长Steve Rogers先生来校做讲座;同年11月,加拿大麦基尔大学教育学院综合教育部TESL项目主任Caroline Riches教授和教育学院学生教育办公室主任Fiona J.Benson教授访问国际部In September, 2006, Hailiang Educational Group, in cooperation with Silver Maple Enterprises Ltd. (Canada), founded a China-Canada class. In October, Prof. Gene McDonald, director of International Department of Thompson Rivers University, visited Hailiang and gave students a lecture. In April, 2008, Principal of Centennial Secondary School in Canada, Steve Rogers, gave students a lecture. In November, Caroline Riches and Fiona Benson from McGill University in Canada visited Hailiang.2006年12月,英国北安普顿大学特殊教育中心主任Richard Rose博士和教育系主任Philip Garner博士来校做讲座;2008年10月,该大学教育研究学院Chris Derrington 博士来访并做讲座。In December, 2006, Dr. Richard Rose and Dr. Philip Garner, and in October, 2008, Dr. Chris Derrington from the University of Northampton visited Hailiang and gave lectures.2007年7月,海亮国际大学预科班第一届学生在英国顺利毕业;部分学生回国创业,如李燕Joy,已创办自己的贸易公司,年销售额达200万美元。In July, 2007, the first batch of IFP students graduated in the UK. Some of them came back to China and established their own business. The story of Joy is one of the successes. She opened her own trading company and its sales now reaches 2 million US dollars.2008年8月,国际部组织全校英语教师培训,邀请美国加州理工大学英语系主任Liliane Fucaloro博士和资深教授Karen Russikoff博士主持培训。In August, 2008, Hailiang School held an English training course for all the English teachers at Hailiang. Dr. Liliance Fucaloro, dean of English Department, and Prof. Dr. Karen Russikoff from California State Polytechnic University hosted the training course.2008年9月,国际部由行政部门升级为独立学部,成为海亮学校第八个学部;由总校副校长郑继红兼任校长;当年,开设高一至高三4个班。In September, 2008, the International Department was set up as the eighth department of Hailiang School. Vice Principal of Hailiang School, Grace Zheng, was appointed as the head-master. The department had 4 classes ranging from Senior one to Senior three high school students.2008年10月,在第八届校运会中,国际部获入场式评比一等奖;在2009年第九届校运会上,国际部再获入场式评比一等奖第一名并获精神文明奖。In 2008 and 2009, the International Department won the first prizes in the opening ceremonies of school’s Eighth and Ninth Sports Events.2008年11月,国际部师生捐款创立英语好望角。In November, 2008, students and teachers of the International Department designed and set up the English Cape of Good Hope.2009年5月,国际部开设HSK对外汉语班,招收外籍学生。In May, 2009, the department set up an HSK Chinese class and started to admit foreign students to come to learn Chinese language and culture.2009年6月,国际部隆重举行2009届毕业典礼,海亮教育集团总校校长孟章焕先生亲自为学生颁发毕业证书。In June, 2009, 2009 Graduation Ceremony was held in the department. Principal Zhanghuan Meng of Hailiang School attended the ceremony and handed over the graduation certificates to students.2009年8月始,国际部开设了特色课程“继红英语心灵鸡汤课”(Jihong English Chicken Soup for the Soul),该课程成功立项为绍兴市规划课题。In August, 2009, the department opened a feature course - Jihong English Chicken Soup for the Soul. It also became a research project listed in Shaoxing.2009年9月,联合国教科文组织官员访问国际部;同年12月,国际部和联合国教科文组织和平中心联合举办了为期一周的模拟联合国教师培训。In September, 2009, officials from the UNESCO visited the department and in December, the UNESCO Center for Peace held a week-long Model-UN training program in the department.2009年9月,国际部成立了篮球、电脑、街舞三个俱乐部。In September, 2009, Computer Club, Basketball Club, and Dance Club were formed in the department.2009年10月,荷兰海牙大学国际关系部教授Joseph Morrin和Jan Brouwer先生前来海亮学校国际部访问调研。In October, 2009, Prof. Joseph Morrin and Prof. Jan Brouwer from The Hague University came to Hailiang for a survey.2009年10月,国际部高一年级师生赴建德李村参加“继红英语心灵鸡汤JECSS”爱心助学体验课活动,捐钱捐物帮助贫困学生。In October, 2009, Senior one students of the department went for a field trip to Licun village as a part of the course of Jihong English Chicken Soup for the Soul. They donated money, toys and stationeries to poor pupils in a local school.2009年11月,全球雅思考官Stephen先生及格林威治大学驻中国代表来访国际部,并给国际部学生做雅思培训。In November, 2009, Mr. Stephen, an IELTS examiner, and representatives of the University of Greenwich in China visited the department and gave a lecture on IELTS.2009年5月,国际部高三学生许梦莹Elve在CCTV“英语风采”大赛中获诸暨赛区一等奖,浙江赛区三等奖;2009年12月,国际部高一学生王正豪James荣获“21世纪杯”全国中小学英语演讲比赛浙江省决赛最佳选手奖,高中组三等奖;谢灵玲荣获浙江省复赛二等奖;杨磊、俞姝含荣获浙江省复赛三等奖。In May, 2009, in the CCTV Outlook English Contest, Elve won the third prize in the provincial competition and the first prize in Zhuji. In the “21st Century Casio Cup” English Contest held in December, Senior one student James won the best competitor award and third prize; Michelle won the second prize; Jason and Cindy won the third prize.2010年1月,英国格林威治大学国际部主任Ken教授来访国际部并为师生做讲座。In January, 2010, Prof. Ken, director of the International Department of the University of Greenwich paid a visit to Hailiang and gave a lecture to students.2010年4月,海亮国际部举行“继红英语心灵鸡汤”实践体验课第一期活动,高一年级和HSK对外汉语班师生赴建德李村小学献爱心。In April, 2010, the senior one students, HSK students and teachers went to Licun School for the first JECSS field trip.2010年11月,海亮国际部举行“继红英语心灵鸡汤”实践体验课第二期活动,高一年级和HSK对外汉语班师生赴诸暨市福利院献爱心。In November, 2010, the senior one students, HSK students and teachers went to Zhuji Welfare House for the second JECSS field trip.2010年12月,张佳惠同学获得“21世纪杯”英语演讲比赛浙江省决赛三等奖,绍兴市一等奖。In December, 2010, Maggie from Canadian Class won the third prize in the provincial 21 Century-Casio Cup English competition.2011年1月,海亮国际部组织英国冬令营。In January, 2011, the department organized a Winter Camp for the senior three students to UK.2011年3月,课题《“继红英语心灵鸡汤”——私立高中英语教学衍生品德教育的探究》获得诸暨市教科规划课题一等奖,绍兴市成功结题。In March, 2011, the research project of JECSS won the first prize in Zhuji.2011年4月,海亮国际部举行“继红英语心灵鸡汤”实践体验课第三期活动,高一年级和HSK对外汉语班师生赴建德里叶小学献爱心。In April, 2011, the senior one students, HSK students and teachers went to Liye School for the third JECSS field trip.2011年6月,海亮国际部篮球俱乐部正试成立,在三校区进行联谊活动。In June, 2011, the department organized a basketball club and had matches with teams from other camps.2011年7月,海亮国际教育中心组织美国夏令营。In July, 2011, the department organized a Summer Camp for the senior one and two students to USA.2011年8月,海亮国际部搬迁入新建的国际教育综合教学楼,正式升级为“海亮国际教育中心”。In August, 2011, newly built 17-story Hailiang International Education Center opened its door for students and teachers.2011年9月,海亮国际教育中心成立韩国留学班,为有志去韩国留学的学生提供了一条便利的捷径。In September, 2011, the department set up a new Korean Class for those students who want to go to South Korea for their colleage study.2011年9月,海亮国际教育中心与美国常春藤精英教育合作,引进全美顶级师资,创办海亮SAT精英班。In September, 2011, the department established SAT training classes in close cooperation with Revolution Prep - a top training institute in USA for top students.2011年10月,海亮国际教育中心召开首届趣味运动会。In October, 2011, the department held its first fun sports meet.2011年11月,海亮国际教育中心举行“继红英语心灵鸡汤”实践体验课第四期活动,高一年级和HSK对外汉语班师生赴诸暨市特殊学校进行结对活动。In November, 2011, Jihong English Chicken Soup course had its fourth field trip to Zhuji Special School. Students from senior one grade and HSK class had wonderful time together with the students in Zhuji Special School.2011年12月,原新东方名师、北美项目负责人蒋轶凡先生(Frank)正式加盟海亮,担任海亮国际学校常务副校长。随后成立托福精英班,由蒋轶凡校长亲自授课。Frank Jiang, the famous teacher in New Oriental School, joined in HLIS as the Deputy Principal in Dec., 2011. HLIS TOEFL Elite Class was established in January, 2012, and Frank Jiang, Deputy Principal, teaches the TOEFL Elite Class.2012年1月,海亮国际学校高三师生赴美费尔来狄更斯大学冬令营。Senior Three students went on an American Winter Camp in Fairleigh Dickinson University in January, 2012.2012年2月,海亮国际学校国际交流合作部正式成立,由资深升学规划师,原中智留学宁波&杭州分公司常务副总经理朱红胜担任该部门负责人,该部门的成立,大大开阔了学生出国留学的途径。留学签证通过率为100%。International Exchange and Cooperation Department was established in Feb., 2012. Steven Zhu, the Vice Director of the department, is responsible for offering guidance to students about studying overseas. The visa pass rate is 100%.2012年3月,蒋轶凡校长建立海亮国际学校雅思托福名师工作室。In March, 2012, Frank Jiang established HLIS IELTS & TOEFL Studio.2012年3月,海亮国际学校学生在中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采演讲大赛诸暨市决赛中表现优异,囊括一等奖、二等奖和三等奖。HLIS Students won first prize, second prize and third prize in the Zhuji Regional Final of CCTV Outlook English Speaking Contest in March, 2012.2012年5月,海亮国际学校被剑桥大学国际考试中心授予剑桥国际中心称号,成立浙江海亮教育集团剑桥国际中心,开设GCE AS &A Level 以及IGCSE课程。Zhejiang Educational Group Cambridge Centre was established in May, 2012 and HLIS set up GCE AS & A Level and IGCSE courses.2012年6月,海亮国际学校HSK对外汉语班学生李东炫以优异的成绩考入清华大学。In June, 2012, Li Dongxuan from HSK Class was admitted by Qinghua University.学校风光海亮国际学校教学大楼
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