
联合创作 · 2023-10-07 10:09

学校概况重庆市暨华中学是重庆市普通高中联招学校,重庆市文明礼仪示范学校,重庆市教育科研实验基地,全国教育科学“十五”规划国家课题实验学校。学校占地近5万平方米,校舍总面积34200平方米。学校现有40个教学班,2500余名学生,165名教职工,其中研究员级教师1人,重庆市科学技术学术带头人后备人选1人,高、中级教师90余人。学校建有设施配套的教学楼、科技楼、实验楼及学生公寓。学校拥有现代化装备的微机室、语音室、电教室,有符合国家标准的理化生实验室、多功能阶梯教室、标准足球场等先进的教育教学设施。  学校遵循“三个面向”的教育方针,秉承“创特色学校,育世纪英才”的办学宗旨,以“开发潜能,发展个性”为办学理念,坚持“育人为本、质量第一、突出特色、全面发展”的办学思想,坚持全面提高学生素质,着力培养学生一种意识(社会责任意识)、两种精神(刻苦学习精神、集体主义精神)、三种能力(自学能力、创造性思维能力、动手能力)。建校以来,暨华中学不断探索现代化办学模式,走出了一条符合现代教育规律,具有开拓创新精神,保持教育教学高水平发展的路子:三特(办学有特色、教师有特点、学生有特长)、三注重(注重德育、注重校园文化建设、注重现代教育技术的应用)、一体现(在教育教学各环节充分体现学生的主体性)。  学校坚持以学生发展为本,着眼于学生成长的需要;坚持以素质教育为根本目标,着眼于学生的全面发展;坚持以现代教育技术为手段,着眼于教学活动与信息技术的紧密结合。积极贯彻基础教育课程改革的要求,不断加强教育科研工作,全面推进校本课程建设,深化教学模式,大力开展自主创新性学习和研究性学习活动,不断加大学生创新精神和动手能力的培养,进一步推广普及现代教育技术。针对高考制度的改革及高考趋势的变化,学校采取有力措施,加强重点学科建设,优秀学生及潜能生的培养。学校以其高质量的教育教学水平和文明纯正的校风获得了社会广泛的赞誉。学校连续八年获渝北区办学水平评价一等奖;连续四年高考居渝北区前列。尤其是2003年,高考成绩再创辉煌,参考人数530人,上线人数512人,上线率达到96.5%,其中理科上线率达99.19%,五个班级升学率达到100%。学生周霞2001年高考成绩居渝北区理科(应届)第一,学生白艳之2003年高考成绩居渝北区文科第一。近年来,学生参加各类活动,获区级以上奖励915人次,其中国家级奖181人次,省(直辖市)级奖260人次。  2003年学校制定并通过了新的发展规划,决心通过今后五年努力,向市重点中学迈进,实现暨华中学新的跨越。全体暨华人将谨遵“勤奋学习,报效祖国”的校训,在渝北区创建现代教育强区的大潮中,勇立潮头、敬业爱国,以奉献求实的态度,勇于创新的精神,锲而不舍的追求,努力奉献优质教育,用智慧和汗水谱写与渝北教育现代化的新篇章。联系方式地 址:重庆市渝北区双龙湖社区龙吉街98号  邮 编:401120  网 址: http://www.cqsjhzx.com  邮 箱:cqsjhzx@163.com  电 话:(023) 67800598 67804598 67801623英文介绍A Brief Introduction of Chongqing Jihua Middle School. Chongqing Jihua Middle School was established in 1955, and it is a senior high school jointly set up by Yubei District Government, the overseas Chinese Office under the State Council, Jinan University, and Overseas Chinese University so as to solve the problem of school-age children of the migration people from the Three Gorges’ Reservoir area, children of the returned overseas Chinese, and those of the overseas Chinese family members. Thus, it is named “Jihua” Middle School after the initial Chinese characters of Jinan University and Huaqiao (meaning Overseas Chinese) University. The name of the school is the autographed by the famous scientist Qian Weichang. Presently it is a key high school, one that jointly recruits students with other key high schools in Chongqing Municipality, and also an experimental school of education research programs on the national level during the Tenth “Five-Year Plan”.The school is situated at the Shuanglong Lake of Yubei District, covering an area of over 70 mu with a total floor area of 34,200 square meters of the schoolhouses. The campus boasts elegant environment shaded by green trees, therefore it is a “green school” in Yubei District. Nowadays there are 52 classes, with over 3,000 students and a teaching faculty of 219, among which there are 123 middle school education researchers, teachers of the medium and senior ranks, famous teachers in the Yubei District and Chongqing Municipality, and advanced model teachers. The school enjoys modern comprehensive teaching facilities; they are a classroom building, a science and technology building, an experimental building, a students’ dormitory building, a dining hall for students with full functions and reasonable subsections, an electronic reading room, an academic research-information hall with comprehensive functions, a multimedia demonstration lab, a broadcasting system with artificial intelligence, a monitoring center, an internet management center, and a system for the information of every classroom.
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