
联合创作 · 2023-10-13 15:59

江阴青阳高级中学  国家级示范性高中、江苏省四星级学校——江苏省江阴市青阳中学,创建于1927年,坐落于历史悠久、人文荟萃、经济发达、交通便捷的江南名镇——江阴市青阳镇,这是一所历史积淀丰厚、文化底蕴精深、办学成绩卓著、享誉大江南北的知名资深学校,学校占地面积105亩,建筑面积45000平方米,固定资产5000多万元,师生员工2400多人,下辖青阳二中、桐岐初中、尚仁初中三所初级中学,其办学规模、办学水平在江阴市名列前茅。学校荣誉1995年,在无锡地区率先成为省首批新增省重点中学;2000年,通过国家级示范性高中的验收。学校现有53个高中教学班,57个初中教学班,学生总数近6000多人,教职员工近400多人。多年来,学校坚持负重奋进、开拓创新,实现了连年跨越发展,获得了一系列殊荣,被评为全国推进素质教育先进单位、江苏省电教示范学校、江苏省德育先进学校、江苏省体育优秀学校、江苏省招飞先进单位、无锡市常规管理先进单位、无锡市教科研先进单位、无锡市园林式单位等。学校历史江阴青阳高级中学1995年,青阳中学被命名为江阴市重点高中,同年11月,接受并通过江苏省重点中学的验收,是省新增首批省重点中学中代表无锡市率先跨入省重点中学的学校,2000年4月,又接受并通过国家级示范性高中的验收,其示范导向作用十分突出。在79年的办学实践中,青阳中学逐步形成了诚、勤、博、精的校风,敬业、合作、严谨、创新的教风,自觉、刻苦、善学、会用的学风以及求实的校训。79年来,共培养了20000多名高、初中毕业生,人才辈出,名人众多,充分体现了青阳中学卓著的办学成果和深厚的办学底蕴。改革开放以来,青阳中学先后多次荣获江阴市常规管理先进学校、江阴市文明单位、江阴市十佳教师集体、江阴市特色学校、江阴市执行教育法规诚信单位、江阴市收费规范学校荣誉称号,三次荣获无锡市常规管理先进学校、无锡市劳模级先进单位荣誉称号,先后被评为江阴市、无锡市、江苏省德育先进学校、无锡市教科研先进单位、无锡市卫生工作先进单位、无锡市实验教学标准化学校、无锡市优秀教师群体、无锡市园林学校、江苏省现代教育技术示范学校、江苏省先进团校、江苏省招飞先进单位、全国推进素质教育先进单位,先进集体荣誉有几十项之多。 踏入21世纪的青阳中学,继续发扬团结拼搏、奉献有为的优良办学传统,负重奋进,跨越发展,实行整体育人素质化,优质办学特色化,大力推进教育现代化工程,为把学校办成全市示范、全省一流、全国知名、走向世界的内涵丰富、特色显著的名牌中学而努力奋斗。英文简介Our school is a well-known school, which has rich culture accumulation, and has made a remarkable achievement in running the school. And it hasenjoyed high reputation on both sides of Qingyang Senior High School, founded in 1927, is located in Qingyang, Jiangyin, Jiangsu, a town famous for its long history, a galaxy of talent, developed, economy and convenient traffic. the Changjiang River. Our school covers around 70 square kilometers and has a built-up area of 4.5 square kilometers. The number of teachers, students, administrative personnel and workers is over 2000. Our school has two schools-Qingyang No.2 High School and Shanren Junior High School-under its command. We are in the lead, in the city of Jiangyin, in the school-running scale and management.In 1995, our school was named the key school in the city. In November of the same year, it was checked and accepted by the government and became one of the newly-added provincial key schools. And in April, 2,000, our school was again checked and accepted as a national demonstrative senior high school. Our guidance is conspicuous.For as long as 79 years of practice of the management, we have formed our school style: honest, diligent, abundant and excellent; our teaching style: devoted, cooperative, rigorous and creative; and our learning style: conscious, assiduous, good at learning and skilful at use. Our motto is practical and realistic.For 79 years, we have made successful achievements in running the school and the results are fruitful. We have trained and brought up over 20,000 graduates, among whom are numerous talent and well-known persons.Since the application of the open-and-reformation policy, we have honored scores of good names of the collective, such as: JIANGYIN ADVANCED SCHOOL FOR CONVENTIONAL MANAGEMENT, JIANGYIN CIVILIZATION UNIT, JIANGYIN OUTSTANDING TEACHING COLLECTIVE, WUXI ADVANCED SCHOOL FOR CONVENTIONAL MANAGEMENT, WUXI ADVANCED SCHOOL AT MODEL WORKER'S LEVEL, PROVINCIAL ADVANCED SCHOOL FOR MORAL EDUCATION, WUXI ADVANCED UNIT FOR TEACHING AND RESEARCH, WUXI ADVANCED UNIT FOR HYGIENE, WUXI GARDEN SCHOOL, JIANGSU DEMONSTRACTIVE FOR EDUCATION WITH ELECTRICAL AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS, JIANGSU ADVANCED LEAGUE SCHOOL, JIANGSU ADVANCED UNIT FOR PILOT-RECRUITING, NATIONAL ADVANCED UNIT FOR QUALITY-IMPROVING EDUCATION, and so on.Facing the new 21st century, we are going to carry forward the fine tradition of unity, exertion and devotion and strive with an important task on the shoulder, and develop at a great pace, We are going to practise improving the qualities of all our students and running our school with distinctive features and modern educational program. We will try our best to make our school into a first-class national well-demonstrative school and provincial famous school with abundant connotation and outstanding features.
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