
联合创作 · 2023-10-11 01:18

南京市行知实验中学是位于新秦淮区东部的一所公办完全中学,目前占地60亩,师生1500余人。是一所办学理念新、校风校纪严、校园环境美、发展后劲足的创新型学校。学校继承、发扬并实践陶行知先生“生活即教育、教学做合一”的伟大教育思想,秉承“人性向善,生命向上”的人文理念,让每一位学生“成长在行知,成功在行知”。2012年8月学校班子重组,学校各方面正发生着积极的改变,我们开始重新对学校发展进行定位与规划,并将南京教育“新三基”理念(基于小班的教育、基于网的教育、基于脑的教育)与学校“陶行知”办学思想相结合,走出一条全新的平民教育之路,以促进教育均衡化的不断深入。2013年我校在新高一年级开设“电子书包实验班”,成为继金中、中华等名校之后第一个普通高中基于网络的移动学习实验班;优势传统项目南京市唯一的“广播电视传媒班”,进一步加强并扩大办学影响,为高中学生的升学和未来发展提供了更广阔、更多元的成才路径;“普职融通单招班”率先实施南京市教育局的高中多样化特色办学战略,并与“金陵中等专业学校”和相关大专院校联合办学,让普通高中学生一次进校,二次选择,构建多元化成才的新途径。学校初中部与南京郑和外国语学校联手打造“行知郑外班”。引进民办优质教育资源,提供公办学校优越条件,用最优秀的教师队伍全方位、全过程、全天候投入班级管理,确保“行知郑外班”的教育品牌。随着南京教育均衡化的推进,办好每一所学校,让老百姓在家门口能够享受到优质资源是人民群众的迫切要求。行走在求知路上,我们会做得更好!学校有两幢设施齐全的宿舍楼,能满足500 人的住宿需要。学校设有 香港“何崇本”奖学金和助学金,奖励优秀学生和扶助家庭贫困学生.学校占地面积92972平方米,建筑面积33000多平方米,分“三区一园”即光华门、海福巷、牌楼三个校区和行知生态教育观赏园,是 南京市校园面积最大、规模最宏伟的学校之一。学校环境优美、书香满园;设施智能化、设备现代化。学校有能容纳千余人的学生餐厅和可供500人住 南京行知实验中学 本数据来源于百度地图,最终结果以百度地图数据为准。 宿的学生公寓楼。师资力量校长:吴虹学校有一支由国家和省、市、区优秀教师,市、区学科带头人,市、区优秀青年教师和一批骨干教师组成的实力雄厚的师资队伍。还聘请了江苏省众多知名特级教师和教育专家组成学校的“名师团”和“顾问团”。学校实施全天候封闭式管理,校风优良。办学特色学校践行孙中山先生的 博爱思想,继承、发扬 陶行知先生的伟大教育思想。学校在新课改背景下又率先在南京市实施“ 二一分段、分类分流”(8+1模式)新的课程设置模式,让学生“活动一小时,快乐一整天,健康一辈子”。通过特色实验班的创办、 中外合作办学和课程改革,进一步打造“新行知”的特色品牌,发展和完善了被教育部定名的 “ 行知实验中学”培养模式,在全省、全国乃至海外都产生了很大的影响,被省教育厅誉为“ 教育改革的旗帜 创新办学的典范”,吸引了国内外大批教育参观团来校学习交流。教学成果近几年来,学校教育教学质量稳步上升。06年学校高考上线率稳居在96%以上;尤其是学校广电传媒艺术班成绩更为喜人,专业合格率100%,本科录取率达92.3%。以“低入口、高出口”创造了行知中学的新辉煌,书写了 南京普通高中教学奇迹的新篇章。学校连续多年被评为市文明单位、市教育先进单位、市德育先进学校、市科技活动先进学校、市优秀家长学校、市优美学校、省绿色学校、省现代教育实验学校、省科技教育特色学校、中央教科所重点实验课题先进学校, 全国基础教育名校。学校说明We Xingzhi Experimental Middle School, a scenic typical national demonstration of the key school in Jiangsu Province, is a major experimental one which shoulders the responsibility of educational reform.(南京行知实验中学是一所国家级示范高中 江苏省重点中学实验学校)About 3000 students in over 70 classes are schooled by 300 splendid backbone teachers most of whom are of senior or intermediate professional post or leaders in there chosen fields. Besides, a special consultant group which is made up of seven famous scholarly experts and professors have been invited to support us as well as five special-grade teachers and six more foreign experts.(学校现有70 多个班级,3000多名学生。学校现有教师300 多名,绝大多数是具有中、高级职称的优秀骨干教师和学科带头人.学校还聘有由7名知名专家、学者、教授组成的顾问团,另外还聘有特级教师5名、外籍专家6名。)Eight teaching buildings have been built in our school with modern labs, computer network classrooms, a multimedia language lab, multifunctional teaching hall, a theatre etc. We are equipped with Electronic Master Control Systems .You are sure to benefit much from the Satellite Signal Receiving Systems and Network Controlling Systems on campus. We have a first-class library with a specious reading room and a reference room. The sports field in our school is a great landscape equipped with man-made grass accompanied a 300-meter plastic cement track nearby six standard plastic cement basketball stadiums. A newly built gymnasium has been put into use. (学校有8幢教学楼,配有先进的 实验室、 计算机 网络教室、 多媒体语音室、多功能教学厅、影剧场等。学校配备电化教学主控系统、卫星接受系统和计算机网管系统。有全市一流的A类图书馆配以宽敞的阅览室和资料室。有功能齐全的人造草皮 运动场、300米塑胶跑道和六片标准 塑胶篮球场。一座新的体育馆已经投入使用。)Our slogan is “New Xingzhi, New Education, New Portrait” which makes us hold high the theory “Education for All-around Development” according to which we has gained a lot in high teaching quality and in high enrollment quotas.100% of the graduates can have the chance for further education in different colleges. Altogether hundreds of students have obtained prizes in kinds of competitions because we have opened lots of characteristic classes such as CSC Computer Class, Foreign Language Motif Class, Art Class and so on. .What’s more ,the first “WTO Class” in our province has been set up for future talent in order to conform to the challenge of a new situation. In addition, we have open special class for those who want to study abroad, and also special classes for foreign students. We have co-operated with school-running institutes from Australia and South Korea in the form of opening courses like “English Intensive Training Class” and “Chinese-Korean Class” instructed by foreign teachers .We are sure that students from any parts in and out of the province can receive a perfect education as a result of the dominance of our running school, which means “Every one can achieve their dream in different ways” We have two to well-appointed dormitory buildings which can hold over 500 members. Scholarship and stipend are ready to give to any excellent students or poor ones by He Chongben Education Foundation from Hong Kong.We have undertaken many scientific research tasks .we are honored the advanced school by Central Education and Science Research Institute on some pivot experimental problems. Our ideological and political education is effective ;our education management is fully scientific and strict; our school spirit and style of study are highly thought of by the society. And we have also received all kinds of honors from the government for our outstanding success in teaching, football, normal education, legal system, beautiful environment, scientific activities and so on. Nearly 100 education delegations from different areas in and abroad have visited here with only praise left to our capable headmaster and our school. (学校承担了多种研究性课题,是中央教科所重点实验课题先进学校;学校以扎实有效的思想政治教育、严格的教育管理、良好的校风和学风受到社会的一致好评。学校连续被各级政府机构授予各种荣誉.学校先后接待了国内外100来个教育代表团的来访和参观,受到一致赞扬。)
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