学校简介北京圣苑?美语实验学校是经政府批准的基础教育阶段全日制、寄宿制学校,位于北京市空港开发区Β区毗邻首都机场,交通极为便利。The Affiliated School of Beijing –USA College of English is a full-time boarding school which has a basic stage education, approved by government, it lies in Area B of Beijing, Kong Gang, closed to Capital Airport, with the convenience of transportation.育人环境学校占地160亩,建设面积10万平方米。拥有教学楼、实验楼、宿舍楼、体育馆、图书馆、餐厅等。The school covers 160 unit of area, 100,000 squares, it has Teaching building, Experimental building, Stadium building, library, and dining hall.良好的学习条件教育教学设施齐全,配有计算机房、美术教室、理化生实验室、钢琴房、排练厅等专业教室。Teaching facility is excellent, with some special field room, such as computer room, art room, experimental rooms, piano rooms, rehearsing room and so on.发展空间标准的足球场、篮球场、网球场、形体训练房、动植物园等。Qualified football court, basketball court, volleyball court, gym room, animal zoo and planting room.生活保障实行全封闭管理,生活管理教师全天服务,医生、保安24小时值班。All closed administration by teachers all day, doctors and guards are all on duty for 24 hours.办学特色学校以注重和强化学生思维训练,开发学生潜能为基础,突出学生英语和艺术特长教育,形成了基础教育和特长教育相结合的“一基双特”的办学模式。The school focuses on training students’ thoughts, developing their abilities, and concentrating on English and art, formed “ one fundamental part with two special parts” with the combining basic education and special skills.班级设置学校现设有 ☆ 学前教育班 ☆ 小学部 ☆ 初中部 ☆ 高中部 招生对象 小学: 直升本校初中,升入其他校初中 初中: 直升本校高中,升入美语学院中专,考取其他高中或中专 高中: 可推荐升入美语学院大专、本科班,升入美语学院中外合作项目(含海外留学阶段)本科班,考取其他普通高校,出国留学。