
联合创作 · 2023-09-26 18:40

【查看校园图集】  深圳市坪山实验学校是广东省深圳市坪山新区为满足全区人民对优质教育的需求,高起点规划、高标准设计、高质量建设的现代化优质九年一贯制学校。学校坚持以“理智办学,高起点定位;教师第一,高目标实施;回归本质,高品位育人;办好学校,高成果回报”为办学策略,以“以人为本,文化关怀,追求卓越,和谐发展”为核心价值观,努力实现“家长放心,学生喜欢,教师幸福,社会认可和政府满意,跻身于深圳市一流名校的行列”的办学目标,全方位关注每一个孩子的健康成长,为学生终身发展负责,为孩子的幸福人生奠基。  深圳市坪山实验学校位于坪山新区行政一路,校园典雅秀丽,人文和谐至善,文化氛围浓郁。校园占地40254.41㎡,总建筑面积为23030㎡,学校规模为54个教学班,生均占地15.97㎡,生均建筑面积9.13㎡。功能实施齐全,实验楼、教学楼、办公楼、风雨球场、足球场、篮球场等场所一应俱全。教学功能室严格按照《深圳市义务教育规范化学校配置标准》配置。设有科学实验室、多媒体网络电脑室、语言实验室、音乐室、舞蹈室、美术室、综合电教室、综合实践活动室、软件制作室等多个功能场室,为坪山新区目前规模最大、起点最高的现代化学校,“凤翔九天,其鸣悠扬”,我们坚信,精神与理想将在此凝聚,青春与未来将在此共鸣,科学与人文将在此积淀,耕耘与收获将在此交融。  “铁马金戈铮铮铁骨勇待征鼓,志存高远盈盈热血大展宏图”。氤氲名山之灵气,汇聚大海之神韵,沐浴南国之和风,今天的坪山实验学校正在振翅腾飞,明天的坪山实验学校更加灿烂辉煌!Shenzhen Pingshan Laboratory School  Shenzhen Pingshan Laboratory School is in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. It greets the needs of people in this region for quality education, high starting point, high standard of design and construction of modern high quality nine-year school system. The school adheres to the "rational school, high starting point positioning; teachers first, high targets; return to nature, high-grade educated person; good schools, high-return results" of educational strategy. Our school holds "people-oriented, cultural care, the pursuit of excellence and harmonious development" as its core values, and it strives to achieve "rest assured parents, students like teachers, well-being, social acceptance and satisfaction of the Government, among the elite ranks of Shenzhen-class" educational goals. It pays full attention to each child‘s health growth, responds for the life-long development of the students, and makes satisfying foundation for their welfare.  The school is located in New area of Pingshan, Shenzhen city. We have elegant and beautiful campus, harmonious human perfection and rich culture. Campus covers an area of 40,254.41 square meters, total construction area of 23,030 square meters, with the school size of 54 classes; students have an area of 15.97 square meters per capita, construction area of 9.13 square meters per capita. We have functional implementation of the complete laboratory building, teaching building, office buildings, storm stadium, soccer fields, basketball courts and other places ranging. Teaching function rooms are in strict accordance with "Standardized Shenzhen compulsory school configuration standards" configuration. We are also equipped with science laboratories, multi-media network computer rooms, language laboratories, music room, dancing room, art room, an integrated classroom, integrated practice rooms, studios and other software features games room. This school is very modern with the largeast scale and highest sarting point in New area of Pingshan, "Phoenix flies in the wild sky, the chirp is melodious." We firmly believe that the spirit and ideals will be condensed here, youth and the future resonated here, the science and humanities accumulated here, cultivation and harvest blended right here.  If we aim high, our grand plan will be accomplished one day. Dipping in the delicacy of mountains, gathering the spirit of the wild sea, bathing in the smooth wind, today‘s experimental school is now taking off, and it will become more brilliant and glorious in the near future!
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