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2023-11-09 03:54
Cupressus torulosa D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 55. 1825; Parl. in DC. Prodr. 16 (2): 469. 1868; Brandis, Forest Fl. N. W. Ind. 534. 1874, et Indian Trees 693. 1906; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 645. 1888; Mast. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 31: 335. 1896; Clinton-Baker, Illustr. Conif. 3: 46. cum tab. 1913; Troup, Silv. Indian Trees 3: 1158. f. 486-487. 1921; Dallimore and Jackson, Handb. Conif. 224. t. 48. 1923, ed. 3. 283. t. 49. 1948, rev. Harrison, Handb. Conif. and Ginkgo. ed. 4. 216. t. 44. 1966; Beissn. u. Fitsch. Handb. Nadelh. ed. 3. 521. 1930; Hickel in Lec. Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 5: 1081 1931; Merr. in Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 24 (2): 66. 1935;陈嵘, 中国树木分类学56. 1937;郝景盛, 中国裸子植物志, 再版91. 1951.郑万钧等, 中国树木学1: 243. 1961, 植物分类学报13 (4): 74. 1975; Hara, Fl. East. Himalaya 41. 1966.