1993年毕业于江苏农学院农学系 (现扬州大学农学院),获农学学士学位。2005年7月毕业于南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院,获土壤学博士学位,研究主题为“农田生态系统温室气体排放”。2007年5月毕业于美国莱斯大学(Rice University) 生态与进化生物学系,获哲学博士(Ph. D)学位,研究主题为“入侵植物功能特征的进化及其对生态系统碳氮循环过程的影响”。
国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费项目课题(200903003)气候变化对农田生态系统过程影响的整合分析及试验研究教育部优博专项基金(200969)长期不同农业生产方式下稻田温室气体排放的观测比较研究教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金入侵植物对土壤碳氮微量气体排放的影响国家自然科学基金(40971140)有机和保护性耕作减缓稻田温室效应的长期和短期潜力研究科技部支撑计划子课题(2008BAD95B05)盐碱地温室气体减排技术研究与示范科技部973项目子课题(2009CB118608)稻田综合温室效应评估及情景预测教育部新世纪人才项目(NCET-08-0798)入侵生态系统地-气微量气体交换的原位观测研究美国国家自然基金(NSF-DEB0820560)--(中美合作-中方协调人)Aboveground and belowground enemies and the invasion success of plants: experimental tests in the US and China
兼任中国土壤学会青年工作委员会副主任,《环境科学与技术》特约编委,国务院学位委员会第六届学科评议组(农业资源利用)秘书,是“Science of the Total Environment”、“Plant and Soil”、“Journal of Environmental Management”、“Advances in Atmospheric Sciences”、“Physiologia Plantarum”、“Pedosphere”等SCI刊物的审稿专家。美国地球物理协会 (AGU)、美国植物学协会(BSA)、美国生态学协会 (ESA) 及中华海外生态学者协会 (Sino-Eco) 会员。
近5年来,发表SCI和EI论文20多篇,SCI刊物累计影响因子50多。论文被国内外他引200多次,其中SCI刊物引用100多次。目前主要从事陆地生态系统碳氮循环与全球变化研究,主要包括:农业对气候变化的响应、适应和反馈、农田碳氮循环过程与温室气体(CO2, CH4和N2O) 排放、生物入侵的生态与进化过程和机理、生物入侵与地-气交换的相互作用等。在国际上首次试验研究揭示了入侵植物乌桕(Chinese Tallow Tree,中国本地种,北美入侵种)功能特征的进化及其对土壤碳氮循环过程的影响,这一结果被“The Current Results-Key Discoveries About Our Environment (www. Currentresults.com/Invasive-Species)”网站重点评述。
博士学位论文 “稻麦轮作生态系统温室气体 (CO2、CH4和N2O) 排放研究” 被评为2007年度全国优秀博士学位论文;“中国农田温室气体排放过程与模型研究”获2008年度全国高等学校科学技术成果奖-自然科学二等奖(第二完成人);入选2008年度教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。2006年和2007年 获江苏省优秀博士学位论文和全国优秀博士学位论文奖2003-2007年 获美国莱斯大学自然科学类Wray-Todd Fellowship
1. Jianwen Zou, Yao Huang, Yanmei Qin, Shuwei Liu, Genxing Pan, Qirong Shen, Yanyu Lu and Qiaohui Liu. 2009. Changes in fertilizer-induced direct N2O emissions from paddy fields during rice growing season in China between 1950s and 1990s. Global Change Biology, 15: 229-242.2. Jianwen Zou, Yao Huang, Jingyan Jiang, Xunhua Zheng, and Ronald L. Sass. 2005. A 3-year field measurement of CH4 and N2O emissions from rice paddies in China: Effects of water regime, crop residue and fertilizer application. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19(2): GB2021.3. Jianwen Zou, William E. Rogers, Saara J. Dewalt, and Evan Siemann. 2008. Decreased resistance and increased tolerance to native herbivores of the invasive plant Sapium sebiferum. Ecography, 31: 663-671.4. Jianwen Zou, William E. Rogers, and Evan Siemann. 2007. Differences in morphological and physiological traits between native and invasive populations of Sapium sebiferum. Functional Ecology, 21: 721-730.5. Jianwen Zou, Yanyu Lu, Yao Huang. 2009. Estimates of synthetic fertilizer N-induced direct nitrous oxide emission from Chinese croplands during 1980-2000. Environmental Pollution, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2009.08.026.6. Jianwen Zou, William E. Rogers, Saara J. Dewalt, and Evan Siemann. 2006. The effect of Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum) ecotype on soil-plant system carbon and nitrogen processes. Oecologia, 150: 272-281.7. Lu yanyu, Yao Huang, and Jianwen Zou. 2006. A precipitation-rectified emission factor for developing spatial inventories of direct N2O emission from agricultural soils in China. Chemosphere, 65: 1915-1924.8. Yao Huang, Jianwen Zou, Xunhua Zheng, Yuesi Wang and Xingkai Xu. 2004. Nitrous oxide emissions as influenced by amendment of plant residues with different C:N ratios. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 36: 973-981.9. Jianwen Zou, Yao Huang, Yanyu Lu, Xunhua Zheng, and Yuesi Wang. 2005. Direct emission factor for N2O from rice-winter wheat rotation systems in southeast China. Atmospheric Environment, 39: 4755-4765.10. Jianwen Zou, Yao Huang, Xunhua Zheng, and Yuesi Wang. 2007. Quantifying direct N2O emissions from paddy fields during rice growing season in Chinese mainland: Dependence on water regime. Atmospheric Environment, 41: 8030-804211. Jianwen Zou, Shuwei Liu, Yanmei Qin, Genxing Pan and Dawei Zhu. 2009. Sewage irrigation increased methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice paddies in southeast China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 129: 516-522.12. Jianwen Zou, William E. Rogers, and Evan Siemann. 2008. Increased competitive ability and herbivory tolerance of the invasive plant Sapium sebiferum. Biological Invasions, 10: 291-302.13. Jianwen Zou, William E. Rogers, and Evan Siemann. 2009. Plasticity of Sapium sebiferum seedling growth to light and water resources: Inter- and intraspecific comparisons. Basic and Applied Ecology, 10: 79-88.14. Shuwei Liu, Yanmei Qin, Jianwen Zou* and Qiaohui Liu. 2009. Effects of water regime during rice-growing season on annual direct N2O emissions in a paddy rice-winter wheat rotation system in southeast China. Science of the Total Environment, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.11.002.15. Jianwen Zou, Yao Huang, Wenjuan Sun, Xunhua Zheng and Yuesi Wang. 2005. Contribution of plants to N2O emissions from soil-winter wheat ecosystem: pot and field experiments. Plant and Soil, 269: 205-211.16. Xunhua Zheng, Baoling Mei, Yinghong Wang, Baohua Xie, Yuesi Wang, Haibo Dong, Hui Xu, Guanxiong Chen, Zucong Cai, Jin Yue, Jiangxin Gu, Fang Su, Jianwen Zou, Jianguo Zhu. 2008. Quantification of N2O fluxes from soil-plant systems may be biased by the applied gas chromatograph methodology. Plant and Soil, 311:211-234.17. Shutao Chen, Yao Huang, and Jianwen Zou*. 2008. Relationship between nitrous oxide and winter wheat production. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 44: 985-989.18. Jianwen Zou, Yao Huang, Xunhua Zheng, Yuesi Wang, Yuquan Chen. 2004. Static opaque chamber-based technique for determination of net exchange of CO2 between terrestrial ecosystem and atmosphere. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49 (4): 381-388.19. Jianwen Zou, Yao Huang, Lianggang Zong, Xunhua Zheng and Yuesi Wang. 2004. Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane emissions from rice-winter wheat rotation system as affected by crop residue incorporation and temperature. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 21: 691-698.20. Wenjuan Sun, Yao Huang, Shutao Chen, Jianwen Zou and Xunhua Zheng. 2007. Tissue nitrogen and the corresponding net carbon fixation efficiency under different rates of nitrogen application. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 24: 55-64.