
联合创作 · 2023-12-27 06:57


科学家姓名:艾菲特·雅可布森(Evert Jacobsen)   科学家国籍:荷兰


雅可布森教授十分重视中荷两国的农业科研项目的合作。他和同事启动了国际马铃薯基因组测序项目,并邀请中国农科院作为第一国际合作伙伴。该项目的实施将使我国马铃薯分子遗传和育种研究跃居世界先进行列。他成功地策划了中荷战略联盟项目(973计划),该项目共吸引400万欧元的资金建立了双边基础性高科技合作研究的重要平台,共同开展合作研究。他积极引进先进的技术,通过2n配子技术交流和开发,使我国专家快速掌握这一先进、高效的育种技术,成功培育了高淀粉马铃薯新品种"中大1号"。他还积极从荷方申请项目,目前已经在中国投入200万欧元建立实验室,现拥有各种仪器100多台件,总价值1500多万元。该实验室承担了20多个863和973项目。   雅可布森教授是荷兰接受中国学生最早和培养学生最多的教授之一,已毕业的博士9名,在读的15名。他非常热爱中国,对中国人民怀有深厚的感情。近20年来,一直致力于与我国在农业人才培养和农业科学研究领域的合作,为我国农业科技进步和经济发展作出了重大的贡献。   Prof.dr. E. (Evert) Jacobsen   Professor   Director of Plant Sciences   Address:   Laboratory of Plant Breeding,   Department of Plant Science Phone: ** 31.317.482859   Binnenhaven 5,   P.O.Box 386 Fax: ** 31.317.483457   Wageningen University & Research Centre   6700 AJ Wageningen, The Netherlands




(Some recent publications):   Han, T.H., H.J. van Eck, M.J. de Jeu, E.Jacobsen (1999) Optimization of AFLP fingerprints of organisms with a large-sized genome: a study on Alstroemeria spp. Theor Appl Genet 98: 465-471   SHAH N. I. M. SALEHUZZAMAN, JEAN-PAUL VINCKEN, MARION VAN DE WAL, IRMA STRAATMAN-ENGELEN, EVERT JACOBSEN & RICHARD G. F. VISSER (1999) Plant, Cell and Environment 22, 1311-1318   Heeres P., E. Jacobsen & R.G.F. Visser (1997) Behaviour of genetically modified amylose free potato clones as progenitors in a breeding program. Euphytica 98:169-175.   Horsman, K., J.E.M. Bergervoet & E. Jacobsen (1997) Somatic hybridization between Solanum tuberosum and species of the Solanum nigrum complex: Selection of vigorously growing and f lowering plants. Euphytica 96: 345-352   Jacobsen, E., A.G.J. Kuipers, P. Heeres & R.G.F. Visser (1997) Genetic modification of starch composition in potato and the biosafety aspects concerning the introduction of these modified potatoes. In "Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology" (K.K. Tewari & G.S. Singhal, eds.) Narosa publishing house. pp 196-201.   Kamstra, S.A., A.G.J. Kuipers, M.J. de Jeu, M.S. Ramanna and E. Jacobsen (1997) Physical localisation of repetitive DNA sequences in Alstroemeria: karyotyping of two species with species specific and ribosomal DNA. Genome 40: 652-658.   Klu, G.Y.P, E. Jacobsen & A.M. van Harten (1997) Induced mutations in winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L. DC) with low tannin content. Euphytica 98: 99 107.   Kuipers, A.G.J., E. Jacobsen & R.G.F. Visser (1997) Applications of antisense technology in plants. In" Antisense Technology: a practical approach" (W. Nellen & C. Lichtenstein, eds.) Oxford University Press. pp 191-219.   Lin, H.S, De Jeu, M.J. & E. Jacobsen (1997) Direct shoot regeneration from excised leaf explants of in vitro grown seedlings of Alstroemeria L. Plant Cell Rep. 16: 770-774.   Munyikwa, T.R.I., S. Langeveld, S.N.I.M. Salehuzzaman, E. Jacobsen & R.G.F. Visser (1997) Cassava starch biosynthesis: New avenues for modifying starch quantity and quality. Euphytica 96: 65-75.   Raemakers, C.J.J.M., E. Jacobsen & R.G.F. Visser (1997) Micropropagation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). In "Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, vol.39. Springer Verlag, pp 77-102.   Raemakers, C.J.J.M., E. Sofiari, E. Jacobsen & R.G.F. Visser (1997) Regeneration and transformation of cassava. Euphytica 96: 153-161.   [request reprint] Rouppe van der Voort, J, P. Wolters, R. Folkertsma, R. Hutten, P. van Zandvoort, H. Vinke, K. Kanyuka, A. Bendahmane, E. Jacobsen, R. Jansen & J. Bakker (1997) Mapping of the cyst nematode resistance locus Gpa2 in potato using a strategy based on comigrating AFLP markers. Theor.Appl.Genet. 95: 874-880.   [Rouppe van der Voort, J.N.A.M., P. van Zandvoort, H.J. van Eck, R.T. Folkertsma, R.C.B. Hutten, J. Draaistra, F.J. Gommers, E. Jacobsen, J. Helder & J. Bakker (1997) Use of allele specificity of comigrating AFLP markers to align genetic maps from different potato genotypes. Mol.Gen.Genet. 255: 438-447.   Sofiari E., C.J.J.M. Raemakers, E. Kanju, K. Danso, A.M. van Lammeren, E. Jacobsen & R.G.F. Visser (1997) Comparison of NAA and 2,4-D induced somatic embryogenesis in Cassava. Plant Cell Tiss.Org.Cult. 50: 45-56.   Vincken, J.P., E. Jacobsen & R.G.F. Visser (1997) Modification of potato starch polymers in planta. In Starch 96- the book (H van Doren & AC van Swaaij, eds). Zestec bv/Carbohydrate Research Foundation, The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 89-96.   Visser, R.G.F., L.C.J.M. Suurs, P.A.M. Steeneken & E Jacobsen (1997) Some physico-chemical properties of amylose-free potato starch. Starch/Staerke 49: 443-448.   Visser, R.G.F., L.C.J.M. Suurs, P.M. Bruinenberg, I. Bleeker & E. Jacobsen (1997) Comparison between amylose-free and amylose containing potato starches. Starch/Staerke 49: 438-443.   Rouppe van der Voort JNAM, Van Eck HJ, Draaistra J, Van Zandvoort PM, Jacobsen E, Bakker J (1997) n online catalogue of AFLP markers covering the potato genome. Molecular Breeding 4:73-77.   Rouppe van der Voort JNAM, Van Zandvoort P, Van Eck HJ, Folkertsma RT, Hutten RCB, Draaistra J, Gommers FJ, Jacobsen E, Helder J, Bakker J (1997) Use of allele specificity of comigrating AFLP markers to align genetic maps from different potato genotypes. Mol Gen Genet 255:438-477   Research Projects :(研究项目)   Introduction on potato genetics and breeding (介绍马铃薯的基因及培育)   3.1 Analysis of agronomic value, structure, transmission and meioticbehaviour of alien chromosomes in Monosomic Alien Addition Lines (MAALs) oftomato-potato hybrids and backcross derivatives   3. Expression, stability and inheritance of introducedsequences.

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