Mendelssohn - Kreek: Psalms联合创作 · 2024-04-07 14:52Daniel Reuss音乐专辑Mendelssohn - Kreek: Psalms名称3 Psalms, Op. 78: No. 1. Psalm 2, "Warum toben die Heiden"Taaveti laulud 22, "Mu Jumal! Mu Jumal!" (Psalm 22, "My God, my God?")Mu suda, arka ules (arr. C. Kreek for choir)Oh Jeesus, sinu valu (arr. C. Kreek for choir)3 Psalms, Op. 78: No. 3. Psalm 22, "Mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen"Psalm 100, "Jauchzet dem Herrn, all Welt"Kui suur on meie vaesus (arr. C. Kreek for choir)Jeesus koige ulem haa (arr. C. Kreek for choir)2 Sacred choruses, Op. 115: No. 1. Beati MortuiTaaveti laul 104, "Kiida, mu hing, Issandat!" (Psalm 104, "Bless the Lord, my soul!")3 Psalms, Op. 78: No. 2. Psalm 43, "Richte mich, Gott"Armas Jeesus, Sind ma palun (arr. C. Kreek for choir)Elijah, Op. 70, Part I: Denn er hat seinen Engeln befohlen uber dir (arr. for unaccompanied choir)Elijah, Op. 70, Part II: Hebe deine Augen auf zu den BergenTaaveti laul 137, "Paabeli jogede kaldail" (Psalm 137, "By the rivers of Babylon"Taaveti laul 141, "Issand, ma huuan Su poole" (Psalm 141, "O Lord I call to thee")Taaveti laulud (Psalms of David): Onnis on inimene (Happy is the man)浏览 2点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报 评论图片表情视频评价全部评论推荐PsalmsPsalms0PsalmsPsalms0PsalmsPsalms0PsalmsPsalms0Psalms ⅡPsalms Ⅱ0Four Psalms: II. Four PsalmsFour Psalms: II. Four Psalms0Song for MendelssohnSong for Mendelssohn0Psalms 121Psalms 1210The six psalmsThe six psalms0Psalms 23歌手Dr.ViewPsalms231510073781发布日期2020-05-15ISRCQZES52041469时长0.77分钟流派嘻哈/说唱,音乐作曲家StevieJohnson点赞 评论 收藏 分享 手机扫一扫分享分享 举报